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Upon hearing someone entering, Evan turned his head in that direction, and in a moment he turned it away quickly. It was indeed Marie, and he wasn't sure if he could deal with looking at her yet. He wanted to avoid that as much as he could too, because it was too hard... and with her sitting here, next to him now as usual, it turned into a mission even harder. After a pause of controlling his voice, he said in return: "Hi." Keeping it as short as he could, for it could break at any moment.
"How are you?"
Oh Merlin.
How was she going to make it through this conversation without shedding a tear? Marie wanted to be strong for Evan. She wanted to be happy for him that he was graduating and that he was going on to pursue his life long dream of playing professional football. Really, she did. Yet at the same time she wanted to be selfish and make him stay at school next term. She had even thought about talking to Lafay and asking her to hold him back or something. Telling him that he had to stay at school another term. She knew that wasn't something that was going to happen though. So here she was, sitting on the cold floor next to Evan trying not to break down and cry like a baby because her best friend was leaving... because this was going to be the last night they were going to have to spend together... here, in their secret hiding place.
So, how was she? Feeling rotten that's how she was.
"I'm... okay." LIE
"How are you?"