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Old 08-03-2011, 11:59 PM   #23 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Rafael
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Returning the greetings that were sent his way, the Spaniard made short work of placing the summoned parchment and quill in front of him, charming the quill so that it would take notes during the meeting.

"Not too late," He comment by way of greeting. There was coffee, and tea as well, on a decent sized tray in the center of the table, and though Rafa had yet to touch it, he assumed the others knew they were welcome to.

They did right? Hm.

Deciding that now was a good time to start, he let his gaze wander from Hunter to the others in the room. "Thank you all for attending this meeting. For those who don't know, I am Rafael Belmonte, Environmental Head." He motioned to Hunter. "And this is Hunter Phillips, Maintenance Supervisor. We will be heading this meeting, and assignment together." As for there names, well... they could give them if they liked.

"I called this meeting because I'd like to get started on a project, making the ministry more environmentally friendly. As of now, there is no sign that there's an environmental department or that the ministry is striving to become more 'green' with the exception of level four. Hopefully, with the assistance of maintenance, we can change that." The quill obediently scribed every word he spoke. "First I'd like to see if you guys have anything in mind on how we can accomplish this task, any ideas on how we can accomplish this goal?"

Rafael motioned to them to speak, and belatedly, to the tray on the table. "Also, help yourselves to the tea and coffee."

Marina's own quill scribbled notes on her own recycled pad. She nodded approving of this idea- making the ministry as environment friendly as possible was a great idea and should be one of their major goals. "I-"

Text Cut: Old lady xD
Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post
Poppy let out a heavy breath when the Environmental Head began to speak and tried her best to pay attention. Nevertheless, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and such was all that she heard. That is, until he mentioned that the Ministry was trying to go more green. She fought the urge to slam the table in protest and bit her lip to prevent herself from interrupting him. She nodded as he continued to speak, anxiously waiting for him to shut his trap so she could talk. Finally, he opened the floor for questions and discussion, and before anyone could get a word in Poppy shrieked spoke. "Why in the name of Babayaga would you want to turn the Ministry green? Such a hideous color! Hideous!" She shrieked the last word louder to emphasize her disapproval.

For all she cared the Environmental Department could be green all they wanted, she had never visited this dismal place previously and didn't intend on ever visiting it again, but she was not about to turn the whole Ministry green! What do they think the Ministry is, the Slytherin Common Room at Hogwarts? No, no, no, no, no, no! She shook her head and pursed her lips angrily.

Poppy would have helped herself to tea and coffee but it was too much effort to stand up, extend her arm, pour it, pick it up and whatnot so she remained seated.

.. Marina let out a sigh. An exasperated one. Seriously, did everyone in the ministry just think that bad of their Department's color? She's been here for a few months and had already heard enough of other employees arguing about it. She was about to speak when Damen made a suggestion..

Text Cut: Coworker Damon :D
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
"Excuse me Rafael, perhaps you could tell us how the maintenance department goes about their business of keeping the Ministry clean and organized. I'm new to the Ministry, and not completely familiar with all the people and departments in it. Do we have a recycling system in place here, because if we don't that's definitely something worth looking into. Given the amount papers and owls that get sent in and out of this place, a good recycling system could go a long way."

Nice one. Marina nodded, "I think recycling should be one big part of the improving regime." She turned her gaze at the old lady and managed a small smile, "And we can make sure that our ideas go beyond green color. Perhaps we can use different colored plants as decorations around the offices and break rooms?" The lady had taken Rafael's words literally.. Marina thought they might as well answer her literally. "Would you like me to get you a cup of tea, ma'am?" She added in a neutral tone. She did see the way the woman sat on the chair few minutes ago and making her stand up again might take some time.

Back to suggestions, she returned her gaze at Rafael, "I think we can discuss ways of turning the Ministry environment friendly by talking about each department briefly and then we can determine the best ways to improve their concepts of saving the nature." She paused looking around at the others to see the reaction to her idea, "Let's say the Law Enforcement department," Nope, she didn't suggest that because of Enrique.... oh well, she did. "They use a lot of parchments and quills and such which makes it inevitable for us to assess their way of dumping them at the end of the day which leads us back to Damon's suggestion about the recycling system. And I say we put some mild rules on subjects before they get vanished as well. We all are aware that the evanesco charm has a slightly different effect on the different vanishing subjects." And the fact that HER group was responsible for that later made it even more tempting to put some rules and obligations on using the charm during work.

Feeling that she'd said enough for the moment, she stopped thinking of more ways to the more-greenie system.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 08-04-2011 at 12:04 AM.
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