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Old 08-03-2011, 11:30 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

5. Best Friends Reunited

Dressed in her favourite dusky pink skort and lemon short-sleeved t-shirt, Nia skipped lightly down the stairs and headed for the kitchen. There she flicked the switch on the electric kettle (Alina was insistent on using Muggle appliances, so her side of the family felt at home too) and reached the jar of coffee down from the cupboard. She tapped her fingers lightly on the work surface, bopping gently to the music she was listening to. Finally the water began to boil merrily, and she made herself a milky coffee and grabbed a cookie from the tin on the side. A few of Nathaniel’s sticky iced efforts remained, but Nia opted for one of the new batch of chocolate and pecan cookies that had survived Alina’s colleagues. It was a rarity that Alina’s cookies came home from work as they were the ever popular choice for morning break, but it was the summer, so maybe there were fewer people in the office as people were on vacation. Whatever the reason, Nia certainly didn’t mind.

A smile on her face, she paused in the kitchen doorway to change track on her music player, before heading into the lounge. There was a bounce in her step, and an excitement in her eyes. It was a recognisable look, one common to many a Ravenclaw, that implied having a selfish ‘me’ moment with either a brand new or preferred book. It was sitting there on the side table, tattered from the number of times it’d been read in the past. A perennial favourite, Nia had pulled it off her well stocked bookshelf the night she’d come home. Since then, she’d been dipping in and out of it’s pages between practice, unpacking and family time. It was a great way to spend a few spare moments in another world.

Sinking into the the sofa, Nia placed her coffee safely on the floor and swung her legs up as if she were reclining on a chaise long. Nibbling the edge of the cookie, she opened to her last page, and laid her bookmark carefully in her lap. Nathaniel had made it for her a couple of years ago, and it was the one she’d used ever since. Wriggling to get comfortable, Nia drifted to a far away land...


A young woman appeared, dressed in fashionable yet decently casual Muggle clothes. She wore a youthful expression on her dainty face, and her chestnut eyes glimmered as she set down her bag and gazed round the room. It didn’t take her long to spy Nia, lounged on the couch, and completely oblivious to the real world around her and more importantly, to who had arrived. Amused, the person trotted right over to the sofa, and plopped down at the feet of her friend. She was tempted to tickle them but refrained, instead waiting for that ‘Surprise!’ moment she was sure was coming.

Reaching for her coffee, Nia glanced over her book to see a figure in the corner of her eye. She gave a little frown, as everyone was meant to be out. Alina was at work and Theo had taken Nathaniel to the park. She gently tugged her earphones out, and turned to look properly. “You’re back ear-”

She stopped short, as she realised who had snuck in on her. A grin spread across her face, and she dropped her book on the floor to engulf her friend in a tight hug. “Miss Becca Parker, sneaking in on me like that,” she scolded, though laughter was evident in her voice. An equally excited grin had soon spread across Becca’s face, and she gave Nia a firm hug in return.

“Sneaking in? I don’t know I’d call it that. I was merely stopping by. Making myself at home.” Yes, that was a much better way of putting it. “In any case,” Becca continued, “The fact that I could arrive and your house and sit next to you for such an extended period of time... Nia, a horrid murderer could’ve entered your home and that could’ve been the end for you. You wouldn’t have even since it coming because of those.” She gestured to the earbuds in Nia’s lap. “How irresponsible of you. You. Could. Have. Died.” And with that said, Becca pulled her best I’m extremely serious and disappointed in you right now face.

Nia was trying to look serious in return, and maybe even slightly apologetic, but she couldn’t stop a hint of a smile flicker across her lips at Becca’s expression. In fact, at Becca's mention of a murderer, she might have even rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be quite so dramatic, girly,” Nia replied shaking her head, even if it was probably true. “And anyway, the music wasn’t that loud. You could’ve poked me or something.”

With that, Nia pulled away from her friend to look at her properly, pondering if Ravenclaw's main party-starter and cake thrower had changed any. “We need to talk more exciting things,” she said, changing the topic. Her turquoise eyes twinkled, full of enthusiasm. “How are you? It’s been forever! I’m so glad you could comeeeee!”


“I’ve been pretty good!” Becca replied, amusement playing on her lips at Nia’s torrent of excited words. “For my first year out of school, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I considered Quidditch, being a professional musician, and a professional football player.” Nia nodded, understanding her friend’s dilemma. They were all good and fun things to do. “I think I’ve finally made my decision,” Becca continued, pausing to analyse Nia’s reaction - to see if the younger girl had guessed. Nia hadn’t, though was hopeful the former Claw keeper had fancied a shot at the Harpies or Bats too. That would be amazingly awesome, but somehow she didn’t feel it was the case.

“I’ve started training to join the women’s national football team.”

Nia reached over and hugged Becca excitedly. “The national football team? KeepKeep, that’s awesome! When can I come see you play?” Becca laughed, shrugging the last question off. She only just started training, afterall, and Nia knew full well what that meant.

“I thought it seemed kind of silly to return to the Muggle world after seven years at Hogwarts, but I just feel like it's my calling. I still have time to change my mind, I suppose. I've briefly considered working at the Ministry or opening a Quidditch shop. I... well, I'm just really rubbish at making decisions. I enjoy being a free spirit. This whole 'real world' thing kind of wigs me out.” Nia just grinned, glad her friend had found something she really wanted to do.

“It doesn’t mean to say you’re leaving the magic world.” She gestured around the room. A fair bit of Muggle stuff could be spotted from Alina’s side of the family. She’d always been brought up with the best of both, and she thoroughly appreciated the opportunities that had given her. “I think it’s great you’re not letting that stand in the way. You can open a Quidditch shop whenever, but you need to do this whilst you’re at the top of your game.” Becca nodded. Nia was full of wisdom and positive thoughts, as always. “How about you, though?” she asked. “What have you been doing? Where's your life going, CaptCapt?”

Nia looked thoughtful. “I’ve been doing okay, I guess.” She pulled a face. “Last term was kinda mixed. No Quidditch and all. I’m not sure I like being grounded.” She rubbed her lips together, and tilted her head to the side. “As for where I’m going, that depends on what happens in two weeks time.”

She smiled mysteriously. “How about some cookies and milk, and I’ll tell you about it?”

“COOKIE?” Becca had risen to her feet. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”
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