♥ Anissel | Mrs. O'Pry's BFF | Sweet Pea's Lassie ♥ | Laura's Mango | Tycy ♥ 7. Care of Magical Creatures “Unicorns are sooo pretty,” murmured Lucy as she pet a baby unicorn. “Don’t you think so, Ty?” She asked, turning around to face him.
Tyler stood a good 5 feet back, his arms crossed. “Uhhh, sure,” He said warily, his eyes on the creature Lucy was petting.
Suddenly, he cleared his throat. “Y’know, muggles don’t think unicorns are real,” He said matter-of-factly.
At these words, the baby unicorn grunted, its eyes narrowed at Tyler; clearly it was angry.
Lucy looked from the unicorn to Tyler and then back again. “I think it heard you,” She whispered while Tyler stepped back.