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Old 08-02-2011, 06:37 PM   #82 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Sebastian Price
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The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter View Post
"Perhaps we can put tax on certain items..." mused Dimitri, thinking about Gina's question.
"Yes! 50% on regular items, 75% on food." She said.

Originally Posted by fire_faerie View Post
"Of course. I'm proud to work under you," Tom replied, then allowed his mind to drift to his work. He was a taxman... Did Borr have a limited amount of money? Somehow he didn't think so.

OH. Hehe. "Well, I'm not in charge of immigration but I reckon I could confiscate and/or ban animals, goods and other items that are imported," the Argentinean said, musing as he looked down at the table, then back up at Gina. "Or, we could collect it all and hide it somewhere under the pretense that we're double checking the nature of it all... making sure it's not harmful and all that," he added with a slight grin.

"But I suggest we find out what goes directly to Borr and what doesn't even pass by him at all so that we won't anger the wrong people," Tom added as an afterthought. After all, it was really only Borr and his people who were at fault here. The rest of the British wizarding population shouldn't suffer for it.
"Quarantine on all animals and goods. Three months would work." She told him.

Originally Posted by Stethoscope12 View Post
Esteban was trying to think of what they got from the Americans that Lord what's his name would deeply desire. "Gina, maybe we should have some one go 'undercover' so to say, at get to know the minister a bit, figure out what he desire's most. I'd do it for us, if that's what it came to." Esteban offered his services, that way they would know what the minister was up to at all times.

"Maybe I could even 'transfer' departments, make it look like I'm working in the minister's office." Esteban suggested. Not sure if it really was a good idea or not.
"No, Esteban, I need my people close to me." She said. "I think the Senior Undersecretary may assist us."

Originally Posted by Dee-Dee View Post
Harland shifted slightly from his spot on the door as he listened to all of Gina's answers. He sighed and shook his head at her response specifically to him. When she asked for ideas, however, a small grin that could quite possibly be seen as evil crossed his face. He swept his hair back and said, "I wouldn't mind letting a few problem-people cross the border without too much hassle, if you would consent, Gina..." He watched her for a response.
"That would put the people here in jeopardy. Good people, and who knows the problem folk may side with him." She said.

Originally Posted by potterfan180 View Post
Katrina had half a mind to run out of the meeting and go talk to the minister herself. But that would be ridiculous. Katrina sat back down, shaking a bit. What could her and Gavin do as undercover buyers to stop everything the minister wants? Maybe just let the sellers go ahead and do whatever......

"Mr. Recard already is a department head. And so are you. He is godd at what he does and you are the best at what you do. It should stay that way!" Kat was not a happy camper.
"Thank you, Katrina, but the difference between him and I is that I do not do what Borr wants me to." She said.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Sophie looked at Gina in disbelief. They were firing Gina, how could they do that? But Sophie was not twelve years old she understood that people got fired. However, the fact that Borr was the one to say that she was useless and fire her. Sophie said, "I can make a few floo calls and see what I can do about restricting the ability of people getting licenses to portkey."
"Transportation may over-ride you. But see what you can do with denying entry." She said.

Originally Posted by SnitCHchASER View Post
Noah fidgeted in his chair as he looked up at his boss, biting his cheek as he found he had been doing recently at work. Thank goodness this wasn't just another "collect stupid ideas to decorate the work space" meeting, but he didn't like the way this was going, either. Gina Latorta replaced? It was just downright outrageous. Hadn't Borr ever tasted her baked goods?! For a round man like that, that must account for something.

Apparently not.

"I'm in," he said quietly, bowing his head. He wasn't sure exactly what being "in" would entail, but he was sure he could help. No one was going to replace Gina. That Borr needed to just...keel over and chill. Armen Recard...he had definitely heard of him...probably had met him at one point, too.

"As for ideas..." Noah stopped and shrugged. He definitely didn't have much to say after the suggestions of others. "I mean, I dunno how effective it would be, but is there anything Borr finds crucial to his way of living? Anything that we know...deem as unsafe?" He doubted it would help, but he couldn't think of anything else to top the other suggestions. "It's not too hard to find problems with things. Or make problems occur with things..." TRUTH: Magical Product Testers could find fault in a muggle picture book.

"Besides that, I don't know what else I can think of besides what we've already heard. I care for the wizarding community, so I would hate to see things taxed too high or things to go bad for them. However, I don't especially like how the ministry has been going lately with...Lord Butterball."

She had put enchantments up, right? Noah cast a wary glance at the door. He could lose his job for that comment.
"Lord Butterball..." she said laughing. "That's a good one."

Originally Posted by Some Mystical Girl View Post
Georgiana had been late- Lana had been sick again. Again. Her child was just a vomit machine right then.
She had caught the general gist of what was going on though- and didn't like it one bit. She looked over and saw Katrina, who didn't look happy either. This wasn't very good at all.
Gina seemed lovely- she didn't know why they would replace her. It was just silly. "I agree with Katrina" she contributed. She wasn't much for change, and change within the workplace was never usually a good thing.
"What do you suggest we do?" She asked. "Please I need all of you to braistorm about your respective jobs."

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