Thread: Harry Potter: Breathe - Sa16+
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Old 08-02-2011, 05:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Breathe - Sa16+

Disclaimar: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the associated characters. They've simply been borrowed for the purposes of this story (and will be returned with creative diligence).


I’ve gone soft. Ever since I came back from Hogwarts I’ve gone soft. I think I know the reason for this sudden change in me. The truth about my family. It scared me at first, but now…well now I feel like I’m …like I don’t exist. Well at least not in this world. I feel like a spectator, watching all of this happen to me, but on a television screen. My parents, well my guardians, pretend like I don’t exist. And if they do ever recognize my presence, it is to sneer and yell at me. I guess I am getting a taste of what it feels like to be an orphan like Harry Potter. This feels exactly like he described it in his diary, which I had nicked and read last year.

I’m changing so much. I even feel my hatred towards muggles ebbing away every minute.


A loud screech of wheels outside his house broke his chain of thought. Draco peered out his window to see a big moving wagon, and following it a Limousine. “So that house across the street has finally been sold,” he thought. Some moving guys got out of the truck and started hauling items into the house. A pudgy man got out of the car, followed by two teenagers, who looked similar. They were both fit, neither fat nor too thin. The girl had light brown hair down to her waist when it was braided as it was now. The boy’s was slightly lighter, and spiked. Then followed a woman wearing a very flimsy dress, with the thinnest possible spagetti straps, so thin that they were almost invisible to Draco, in his little room inside the turret. This was the most interesting thing that had happened all week, and he realized that his guardian/father would probably want to meet them, as that house was the only one in the whole eastern England Lucius couldn’t afford.

He looked at the teenagers, they could be no younger than 15, he was 16. He hated that age, because he had only been 16 1 week and it was definitely the worst in his life. Draco sighed as he thought back on his birthday, some tears forming in his eyes. The scene was clear in his mind, he had thought about it all week.

Draco remembered sitting there, with his so-called-parents, when this strange girl walks in. She yells “mother! father!” and swoops down, giving then both hugs and kisses. He remembered his confusion, and the joy on his guardians faces. And then they explained it.

“Draco, this is Eliza, our daughter. She is our one and only child. You are not our son. We had to take care of you until you were of age, and now you are. The ministry didn’t think we could be nice to anyone but purebloods, and your father took it so far arguing that he would have ended up in Azkaban.” Lucius opened his mouth to say something, took a breath and closed his mouth. “It was either that or taking care of a orphan mudblood for 16 years and raising him as our own. So we took you and here you are, 16. Our daughter was to visit us sometimes when you were at Hogwarts, otherwise stay in our beach house with her grandparents. We didn’t let you go to Durmstrang because she goes there. You will now stay in the room next to the attic, where the dog used to sleep until we can find a family to adopt you.”
*End flashback*

The tears were now flowing steadily down his cheeks.
the truth is just an undiscovered lie.

Last edited by Hera; 08-17-2011 at 06:23 AM.
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