Originally Posted by
meganelizabeth Christopher walked along the second floor, not exactly paying attention to where he was going. Simultaneously reading some good old poetry and eating a crispy red apple he'd gotten from those dear house elves in the Kitchen, making his way to the library. He usually had huge stacks of books to read, but he'd finished them all and had returned them already. He re-read his own copy of Shakespeare that Selina had given him for his thirteenth birthday on his way to the library, not wanting to put it down, despite the fact that he must'be already read it a million times. He was quite the can of classical Muggle writing and poetry. So what would be a betterthing to do on this slow afternoon than take a quick trip to the library.
He flipped the page with his apple-hand, and walked passed the ever so familiar suits of armor. But Christopher stopped immediately, for out f the corner of his eye he was sure he could make out a new, yet very short, statue among the many other tall statues. As he took a closer look, the fourteen year old realized that there were, in fact, no new states. All he saw was a familiar, small and rather bored-looking girl with a Pugmy Puff by the name of Puffles. Taking a few steps backwards, Christopher (who was still facing forward and judged turned his head to speak to her for some odd reason) grinned. "Hey Nessie. Hey Puffles," he said, glad that Chunk wasn't here. Those two didn't need anymore trouble with their pets. "What brings you to this mundane area of the castle this lovely morning?" he asked with a smile, casually clutching the apple from behind his back, also pushing his weight forward on his toes and backward on his toes.
Ness deep in though of what to do, got quite a shock when she heard somone say her name. She got out of her day dream and saw that Christopher was standing right infront of her. He seemed pretty cheerfull and excited. Ness put on a smile and focused onto Christopher. "Hey!" she said trying to sound as happy as him. When he asked her why she was in this area of the castle, she had to think what to reply. Well the truth was that she was rather bored, but where she really wanted to go, was the fourth floor corridor. The only thing she had been thinking about the whole day was the fourth floor corridor. She had a wierd feeling it was cursed. "
Um.. I'm just kinda bored, so I guess im just walking around." she finally said.
"How about you?"
Nessie's mind then floated back to the fights she had, had. She now needed to apologise to four people, and two of them she didn't really understand why. She was really irritated with herself and she was starting to get friendless and lonely. Trying to forget about her bad thoughts, she noticed a book in Christopher's hand and in the other was an apple.
"What book you got there?" she asked.