The seven words challenge doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Disclaimer: All characters and the entire Harry Potter universe belong to the wonderful JK Rowling Always
I'm sorry."
"I'm not interested." When would she understand. It was a mistake, I never meant to call her a mudblood. All I need is a second chance, but she won't even give me the time of day. I love Lily Evans, but she refuses to see the good in me.
"I'm sorry!" If only she'd put a bit of her faith in me. I've changed after that day. I did an evil thing and I can never forgive myself. Death is better than this, better than living with a love that hates me.
The scene changed.
I stared at Dumbledore, "Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?"
"For him?" I took out my wand and shouted, "Expecto Patronum." The doe burst out from my wand.
Dumbledore looked astonished when he saw the doe. "After all this time?"
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |