Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 15,697
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sebastian Price First Year | The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake Impressed by his boss's courage, Matt didn't say anything for a while, too busy taking in the new information. The Minister wanted to replace Gina? 'No way, we can't let that happen. You can count on me with whatever you need, Gina.' the man said, a bit later than everyone else, but meh, better later than never,
He then listened to the woman's radical, but logical suggestion. 'That is rough, but playing nice definitely won't work with that man. So, what do you need us to do?' Matthew asked, realizing it would be a big effort for everyone and hoping it wouldn't be in vain. "Thank you Matt." she said nodding. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Gina. Right, of course. Tom nodded, then eyed the two men that went to guard the door. A flash of irritation passed over him due to the head not asking HIM to guard too, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. He wasn't as petty as he used to be.
... A replacement? Certainly, Tom agreed that Borr was a blob of a man, but Gina was fantastic at her job; even HE had to see it. "I'm with you, Gina," he said, and was pleased to see everyone else saying the same thing. Good. He wouldn't want to be in a department who's employees were Borr fans.
Tom's face split into a wide, slightly mischievous grin. What an ingenious idea! And after Borr being so horridly rude to Gina - really, as a MAN, he should know better, forget a boss - the Argentinean wanted nothing more than to cooperate. "Brilliant," he said, and chuckled, flexing his arms before him before rolling his shoulders. "Count me in for any help whatsoever," Tom added as an afterthought. A small worry that he might lose his job managed to break the spell for a second, but he banished it away. He could afford that - he had other options, and besides, he doubted Borr could afford to sack an ENTIRE department in one go.
Of course, that was all depending on the other's replies. Turning from Gina to his coworkers, Tom eyed them all, trying to guess what their replies would be. "Thank you, Tom. I really appreciate the support." She said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Orla A replacement for Gina? that was outrages and he called her a worthless sack of an old woman. Gina was brilliant at her job ''Gina nobody will be as good as you'' said Rebecca after a few minutes
Rebecca wasn't leaving she was happy to help she'd do anything "Thank you, Rebecca, I do appreciate your vote of confidence." Gina was about to cry... Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Sophie nearly choked when she heard that the Minister was replacing Gina. How could he do that? Not only was she brilliant at her job, but she was the kind of employer that made Sophie want for the Ministry in England. If it was anyone else she would have straight up stayed and worked for the Australian Minster of Magic. However, Gina chanegd her mind and made her want to come back over to the United Kingdom to work, "He's firing you? How can he do that? Technically he needs reasonable cause to fire you and since you have done no wrong he can't. He just can't." Sophie said shocked.
When Gina proposed that they refuse entry into the country any of Borr's followers Sophie nodded. She hated Borr anyway and she would gladly help make his man's life as miserable as possible. He was an evil and self-absorbed man. If it came down to her losing her job she was fine with that as well. She was not the kind of witch who just sat ideally by and allowed politicians to control the world for fear of her job, "Whatever you need Gina. I'll do what I can."
..."Who is this new trainee?" "He can Sophie... and he will. He doesn't not think me an asset to the ministry." She sighed and then said "I believe he will want me to train Armen Recard... from Transportation." Quote:
Originally Posted by potterfan180 Katrina froze. Did she say replace Gina? She stood up quickly and her fists hit the table. "Is he crazy!? Replace you?" Katrina exclaimed. Borr was put of his mind! Katrina was furious. She hadn't been like this since last week when she threw a box of empty chocolates at her depressed best friends head! "Yes... he wants to replace me." she said and sighed. Quote:
Originally Posted by Dee-Dee "Gina," Harland said with a nod as she greeted him. His eyebrows raised momentarily as she kept addressing him, but then he nodded once more with a smile. "Of course. My pleasure," and he meant it. Harland stood up and headed over to where the door would open and turned his back to it to listen. Harland blinked, trying to make sense of what she was saying. And it wasn't that he didn't understand, he was just understanding what an IDIOT the Minister of Magic was. "Whatever you need, Gina, I'll help with," Harland said from his spot at the door. "What?" Harland said suddenly when Gina announced that it was she who would be being replaced. "He said that? He actually said that?" His hands balled into fists at his sides. How could anyone say that to such a kind (if not sometimes a little bit uptight) woman? Of course, it was her job, and he respected her for that. Harland nodded with everything Sophie was saying, and then his eyes returned to Gina at Sophie's question. He was just as anxious to everyone to know who this bigshot was. "Yes Harland, he did. He actually said that in front of all the other Department Heads." She said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Stethoscope12 Esteban had listened to what Gina had to say, he compeletly agreed with her, the man was a moron, but was taking on the minister of magic something he was really willing to do so close to the wedding. What if something happened and he couldn't get back to Jen. "Gina, what did you have in mind?" He asked thinking he would at the very least here her out before he made any decision. And he would most certianly NOT rat her out, even if later on he changed his mind. "I want you all to think of what comes in and out of this country... and what your job has to do with that. How can we impede the minister from getting anything he wants?" Her tummy was getting rumbly from lack of cookies. Quote:
Originally Posted by samthehpfreak HOLD THE PHONE. What'shisface wanted to replace Gina? But she's like a cuddly little grandma. EVERYONE LOVES HER. Charlie was so not cool with that. So not cool. He listened to what she had to say then got a wee bit confused, then figured it out. He sort of agreed with her but he didn't feel the need to voice anything. He personally thought that considering that they were the International Cooperation level they should continue Internationally cooperating but he wanted to support Gina, so he kept his trap shut. Then someone asked the question he had been wondering himself, who would be the trainee? Gina looked over at Charlie. He seemed pensive. She smiled at him when Dimitri spoke. Quote:
Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter Dimitri's face paled slightly. "But he can't replace you!" The daft idiot. This man was going to bring the Ministry crashing down. He listened to her idea with his arms crossed over his chest, occasionally glancing at the door. "That's the right way to go, in my opinion. We can't be soft." Which was the truth. If Borr was going to be rough, so were they. "Is there anything at all I could do? Just name it." He had contacts in other countries, and would be more than willing to recruit their help. "Plenty Dimitri, we just need to think about it." She said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners ...Wait?! WHAT?!
Pippa could have sworn Gina had just said- SHE HAD. She'd said she was going to be replaced. "It's not like he can talk about being worthless..." The blonde quipped bitterly, before rubbing at her temples. "Ignore that. That was rude." She'd meant it, every word of it, but it had seemed rather mean about the Minister.
Watching her boss carefully, she chewed her lip as everyone else announced their ability and willingness to help. "I'm in. Whatever needs doing." Gina smiled at Pippa. "Thank you for that." She said even though she'd retracted it.
"As I said to Estaban, I want you all to think of what comes in and out of this country... and what your job has to do with that. How can we impede the minister from getting anything he wants? How can we stop international transportation of people and goods?" She said looking at them.
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