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Old 07-30-2011, 07:38 AM   #95 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

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½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

*sneaks into thread*

Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
I finished the profile picture, and I hope you'll both like it.

SPOILER!!: profile picture

Please tell me if you want anything changed.
OOOoooohhh its soooo purty!!!! Thank you!!! *yoinks*
I shall credit

Really really like your shop! I shall have to request some time.
Thank you!!!!
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