22. Kneazle “Auntie Doooooowa, Auntie Dooooooooowa! Kit-cat! Wook! Kit cat!” little Lexi exclaimed as she pointed… up? Oh dear Merlin what had she done now? Dora chuckled at her little niece and came rushing into the room to see that, once again, Lexi had levitated the poor kneazle into the air.
“Alexandra, baby, you have to be careful! I know you want to play with Sebastian, but you can’t get so excited,” Dora explained as she blew a lock of her bright purple hair from her face.
“Kit cat sooooft. Wanna pet!” she said as she waved her chubby hands at Sebastian.
Last edited by Erindipity; 01-03-2012 at 01:51 AM.