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Samira Malfoy Potter Samira cocked her head to one side curiously as she caught a slight slip up. Why would some one mess up their own name? Shrugging her shoulders, Samira decided to let the matter go. "So, Isabelle," she said, after chewing another strawberry. "What year are you in?"
Ronnie watched nervously as Samira cocked her head. Luckily, she didn't ask why she messed up Isabelle's name. "I am in my fir- I mean fifth year." she said, making a mistake again. "I feel like I'm still a little kid sometimes, you know? I don't know what it is...I guess I just want to be a first year at times." she said with a laugh. Hopefully that was a good excuse to say why she almost said first year
As Ronnie ate, she felt a bit weird. Oh no, the polyjuice potion was coming off! "Er....terribly sorry. I have to go.....to the bathroom." she said as her blonde hair began to turn back to bright orange. "Nice meeting you!" she said, dashing as fast as she could out of the Great Hall.