Well here's the new chapter! Mods sorry for double post! If I can't do this please tell
brave new world
The Death Eaters had fled, leaving ruin behind. Portraits destroyed, the Astronomy Tower in pieces, and Scorpius in pieces as well. Albus sat with him in the Hallway, joined by Rose, and James and Lorcan and Lysnder were walking around, looking for any bodies. Scorpius was in tears, only an 11 year old, who had just seen his father die.
"Scorpius..." Rose said, rubbing him on his shoulder. "He died for our cause...... he took out the evil that could have destoryed us...." She said. Scorpius just nodded, and made to get up.
Albus and James and Rose and Scorpius began sticking together, more so than with Lorcan and Lysander and Shawn, who were in their own little group as well.
Scorpius still hadn't gotten over the death of his father, and cried himself to sleep, knowing that he had no parents now.
James put on a tough exterior like he always did, but Albus knew his brother more than anyone, and knew well how affected James was. Teddy had his body put in a Gryffindor shroud, and was placed in a conjured coffin, and put near another pedastal next to Dumbledore's body. The funeral even more difficult than James or Albus could imagine.
Albus read a speech he spent all night making, sniffling through it. James tried, but finally broke down. everyone else who made a speech could barely talk, but Victorie, who was married to him, and carrying their baby, couldn't get through it. It took her parents to be able to calm her. James walked to his common room, laying down. Harry and Ginny came up, followed by Albus, and sat down with their son. Albus also cried that night. They all cried, remembering their family member.
Hogwarts was a mere shadow on the sky as the train departed, and Albus was looking down, James was asleep, and Scorpius was looking out of the window.