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Old 07-26-2011, 09:48 PM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Tom Felton talks Draco & Deathly Hallows: Part 2, to appear on Conan show tonight

Tom Felton recently spoke to HollywoodChicago about his involvement in the Harry Potter series, including Deathly Hallows: Part 2 and some of the scenes with Draco Malfoy he may have wanted to change, if he was given the chance. He specifically noted that if he had his way, Draco would be a three-way battle between Voldemort and Harry at the end. That can be read here.

Tom will also be a guest on Tuesday's new episode of Conan, to air at 11:00pm EST/PST on TBS, where he will promote the release of his upcoming feature, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. We will have that full interview when it is released.
Fresh from the halls of Hogwarts, Tom Felton stops by to talk about "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes." Which would you rather have as a pet: a magical owl or a super-smart chimp? Tough decisions!

You’ve played enough of different characters now to get a sense of how to challenge yourself as an actor. Is it more fun to play someone who is not nice like Draco or a more benign or good character?
Tom Felton:
I find it easier, more fun and more challenging at the same time to actually play someone as far opposite to myself as possible. I find the closer the character is to myself, the closer I question what he would do or how he would say it. I’m also very critical about it, I look back and I think ‘oh, that’s terrible’ [laughs], but when the character is very strong minded, Draco is an example of someone who is defined like that as a character, it does make it a lot easier, and a lot more fun.

The Potter films were cutting edge as far as using technology to build their world. What moment in the film series really impressed you after you saw the finished result versus when you saw it being built and acted in front of a green screen?
Every year we would look at a set and say, ‘this doesn’t look like much,’ and then the production would make it incredible. Especially in the last film, there was a scene we were all doing for awhile where something was burning down. There was a little fire on the day, bits of fire, but when we played it back it looked like napalm across the entire set. You look back on that and you think that’s cool.

Even better was the flying stuff. Because actually you’re just sitting motionless, thinking this is crazy. Then you look back at the finished result and say, ‘look at me, I’m flying!’ [laughs}

What is the most surreal thing that has happened to you – either a fan incident or a weird event – in relationship to you being part of the Potter universe?
It’s hard to pick one, really. [laughs] There was the first time we went to Japan and they closed the airport, we felt like The Beatles. It was a bit ridiculous. It’s only when you realize what you’re involved with that it becomes like that, otherwise it’s just a surreal, normal, day-to-day life.

Your colleague Daniel Radcliffe has taken a sharply different direction after Potter, appearing in a musical. What type of role would you like to challenge yourself with to prove your different talents in the business? Would you like to do stage work?
Definitely. Daniel has energy for years over me, and he’s a great singer/dancer. When you’re watching the show you see him for about thirty seconds and everyone claps and says, ‘look it’s Harry Potter.’ And then it’s all forgotten, it’s just an American guy singing, dancing and doing his thing. He’s fantastic in it, and I hope to do something similar.

I want to do theater, TV, even getting behind the scenes as well, writing and producing, getting things off the ground.

Given that you and J.K. Rowling know more about Draco than any other people on earth…
I dare not agree with that, there are some pretty keen fans out there. They called me out on a few things a few times. [laughs]

Okay, but where would you have liked the character to have gone if you were creating an alternate Draco universe?
I wouldn’t change it, I really struggle to think about it as something else. But you know, who doesn’t want an epic finale? I see Draco standing up to Voldemort and having a punch-up of some sort, maybe Harry can become involved and it could be a three-way. [laughs] No, no this is going crazy now, I’m not sure quite what I’m talking about. [laughs]

He’s quite a scared guy, poor Draco, kind of terrified of everything, so

In your opinion, if you had real personalities like Draco and Harry Potter, and they were put into the real world without magical powers, who do you think would be more of a winner given our current society?
It would be the same. Draco is the snob, who has been shoved into private school, and has never had a day of love and affection in his life. It’s funny, but he is the complete opposite of Harry in that respect. He has parents, but no guidance, love or friendship. Harry has no parents, but has every possible loyal friend around him and every possible influence. They are two sides of a coin, but I think those boys are exceptionally relative in Muggle society, as well as the wizardly one.

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