Hey Heather. This is great! I love how you move through your chapter so gracefully. When I come to a post, I always scroll through it to see if I have time to read it properly. Seeing your long chapter was a little daunting for me, due to the time I have at the moment. Normally I love reading long chapters. Anyway, I wanted to read it so I started in and was at the end before I realized it. That goes to show what a talented writer you are. You kept me interested and engrossed the whole way through.
Ella opened her eyes to see a large Bald eagle soaring around the room.
Oh wow! How exciting! That has to be some sort of record being able to make one on her first try.
Ok, so I have never felt this way before but I actually feel my wand and I get stronger! Is that weird? I
This is probably going to come in handy in the near future.
P.S Please Feed Chauncey.
She's always so sweet to Chauncey.
Get out, Ella, the police want you not us.
What kind of friends did she have?!!??!?
How awful! Why didn't Deborah stop that animal!
I'm glad Ella met Roger, I hope they stay good friends. How will she be able to keep her secret from him though? It's so easy for them to talk, she almost let it slip about Snape. She recovered nicely, but, it just seems like it'll be hard.
Heather I love how well Ella and Snape get along. They are at complete ease with one another, and thoughtful to each other. And I love how loving Snape is to her. He is a good father. It's a shame she was raised by the creep she grew up calling dad.
I will be gone till Evening, remember to lock up.
I wonder if he might be making plans to visit Mr. Greene.
I would love it if that rotten man found out there was somebody who was not afraid of him. He needs to be afraid.
Oh, I must tell you that you will not be spending the end of your holiday at the burrow.
Wait why?
You will meet them at Headquarters.
Confused Ella asked, Headquarters?
I forgot about that. Well, Heather, I can't wait to read your next chapter. I certainly loved this one.