Alright guys! Here it is, the big one! The be all, end of this part of Albus' school life but ther will be more so its all good! (that was alot of typing.... o.o) ANYWAYS. 2 more chapters after this. Then at the second to last chapter I shall post YEAR 2- IT shall be called ALBUS POTTER AND THE IMMORTALS, and its will be in the High Security Vaults. So yeah.
CHAPTER 7 pt 3
evil in the world pt 3
Draco was dueling with all he had, oblivious to the fact that this man survived getting a Killing Curse without a mark. He yelled, then tackled the man- who the kids presumed was Atrox- and the Short ranged up, up, up, into the Astronomy Tower. The kids ran further into the field, watching as the duel continued.
Draco snarled, shouting out curses and jinxes and hexes. Everyone was blocked, and he blocked every spell he could. He shot Stupefy, and Atrox shot some blue spell, and the exploded in midair. Draco took the chance. "Expelliarmus!" He shouted. Atrox's wand shot out of his hand. Draco growled. "Explodis Elun Deloris!" He shouted, his hand out to his sides. A red, slightly misty looking orb was beginning to spread around them.
"I know, now, that you killed her!" He shouted, a tear falling down his face. "You killed her, because my father didn't like her! You killed her! She was my wife!" He roared. The orb expanded more.
Scorpius looked, curious.
"W-whats he doing?" He asked.
James didn't answer.
Atrox yelled, walking, but struggling when he walked. It seemed Draco was holding him back.
"NO!" He yelled, and lunged at Draco, hand outstretched.
The orb exploded.
The top and some parts of the side of the tower exploded, the red orb dispersing smaller red particles from it. Scorpius, stood, wide eyed, then ran to the tower. James caught him, holding him tightly.
"No- no- NO! FATHER!" He shouted, trying to get out. James tightened his grip, but Scorpius dropped down, on his side, and just cried.
James looked around, and saw a note. He walked to it, and looked at it. Dear Scorpius,
I now know what I have to do. I must sacrifice myself to kill this monster. He killed you mother. Now, I want you to go live with the Potters. I know they will be fine with that.
I'm repaying a debt to them.
Love always,
Your father.
The Connection- a Next Generation Fanfic