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Old 07-26-2011, 01:46 AM   #25 (permalink)
DH Ficlet Ace
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 395

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Potar

Hey guys! So I've been thinking, that this story can't really last for awhile. Sorry! I know this is out of no where. BUT! There are 6 more stories planned, which will be much more longer and detailed. They will be featured in the High Security Vaults because they will be much more gritty and evil-aware, you could say. I'll give this one, say, five more chapters. I promise that this one will go out with a BANG! Also! I must retcon something. Teddy Lupin will be 3 years out of Hogwarts, as will Victorie, making them 20.
__________________________________________________ ___
Evil in this World, part 1
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For the rest of the year, school went smoothly. Virtually no Death Eater attacks- but there was a certain tension in the air. Attacks would be imminent.
The lessons by James and Lorcan and Lysander were taught and over. They had a large repertoire of spells and abilities, including the Cruciatus Curse and Imperius Curse, but no one was taught the Killing Curse. But they knew well James could do it.
__________________________________________________ __

The night was odd. It was... heavy, in a way. The cloud were thick and grey, only allowing glimpses of the moon.
The new transfiguration teacher, Binson, replacing the Headmistress, stood in a window high up in the castle. They had been warned that an attack may be possible. Several people arrived- Draco Malfoy, The Golden Trio, Teddy Lupin, who was without his pregnant wife Victorie, and Percy Weasley tagged along as he was also in the Ministry at that time. They were patrolling the castle at the time.

He inhaled the cool night air, closing his eyes. His hands rested on the windowsill, clutching his wand.
Then, suddenly, he heard a noise. Like flapping cloaks. How odd, no footsteps.....
His world ended in green.
__________________________________________________ ____

James, Shawn, Lorcan, Lysander, Scorpius and Albus were walking the corridors, hidden by Disillusionment Charms. They walked fast, but stopped.
"Shh.... Guys.... did you see that?" He asked. in the distance, he swore he saw a bright flash of green. Odd.
"Yea!" They all said. Cautiously, they continued, wands clutched in hand. They walked slowly, slowly....
The wall erupted, and they dropped down. Black plumes of smoke went every which way. They heard screams from children, and spells from either side. James looked around, and saw a Death Eater approaching a running first year. He raised his wand, and waved it. A bright green bolt of light erupted from his wand, and the Death Eater flew out of the window. He took of the charms, and they run out, seeing battles rage. He caught site of Teddy Lupin Short ranging*, and followed.
"Stay here!" he yelled to his friends.
"Teddy! Teddy!" He shouted.
"James?" he asked.
"Yea, we came to help!" He said.
"Hehe, teaching everyone some of the trick I taught you?" He said.
"Oh ye-" They ran right into an explosion, and hit the ground, right in front of Hagrids Hut. They looked around, stumbling slightly.
"That was quite an explo-"
"Avada Kedavra!" Shouted a Death Eater who wore long, platinum blonde hair, and was obviously aged. It was Lucius Malfoy!
Teddy dodged it, and James and Teddy began dueling Lucius furiously.
"You've gone back!" Teddy yelled. Lucius was silent.
"Bloody fool! You'll only go to Azkaban now! How are you going to worm your way outta this one?" Teddy yelled, laughing.
Lucius launched another Avada Kedavra.
Teddy fell down to the ground.
Time froze suddenly. James, wand still pointing at Lucius, looked from Teddy to Lucius. It didn't click. Lucius flew away, and James fell on his knees, crawling to his friend, and putting his arms across Teddy's chest, his head in between.
"Nooo!" He cried horribly into the night. He repeated the 'no', as if it would save Teddy. He cried and cried and cried, until he felt the ground shake slightly. Harry, Ron and Hermione had arrived. Harry nearly fell backwards, Ron stood, shocked, and Hermione ran forward. She came down to her knees, looking. James clutched Teddy's body, and harry took his son off gently, pulling him into a hug. James realized his own father was crying as well. The battled at Hogwarts continued, James could see. And he saw Death Eaters. He wrenched himself from his fathers grip, running, running to the castle, tears still falling down his face.
He yelled, and raised his wand.

*Short ranging is my own name for the smoke traveling/apparating that appears in the movie. also know as Short Range Apparating.

Ah yes, it killed to write this chapter! I knew I had to kill someone off, but who? And I chose... *don't kill meee*
The Connection- a Next Generation Fanfic

Last edited by Stupefy99; 07-26-2011 at 03:28 AM.
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