Chapter Five : Part One 1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me!
It had been a few weeks since Justin had sent that letter to his mother
hoping that she might know how to handle his new - found talent and have
some advice to offer him. Justin, Bertie, and Josh were all sitting at their
usual table in the Great Hall eating dinner when the owls started to pour in
from every direction delivering the mail to the students. Justin sat there
waiting somewhat patiently for a response from his mother. All of the owls
had delivered their parcels and post and lef the Great Hall and Justin slumped
down in his seat disappointed. Bertie noticed Justin's disappointment and put
her hand on his shoulder and said " Don't worry about it. Your Mum will write
back and we'll all figure this out. " Of course, neither Bertie or any other
student knew what had been troubling Justin. In fact the other students in
Ravenclaw thought it was pretty cool that Justin could cast spells without
speaking, especially seeing as how he was a first year.
Just as Justin had given up hope to recieve an answer to his letter a lone
owl flew into the Great Hall and straight to him. Justin quickly tore open the
envelope and began to read.
" My Dearest Justin,
I'm sorry to have taken so long to answer your letter.
I've done a bit of research since recieving it. As it turns out
your ability to cast spells without having any type of training
is extremely rare. Only few witches and wizards have ever been
able to do what you are able to do. What's more puzzling is that
you are so young. You must be very careful not to get upset
with people. You are more likely to cause someone great harm
if you do not start to control it. Do ask Proffessor Dumbledore
for help with this matter. I have also sent him an owl explaining
the situation.
All my Love,
Mummy "