Originally Posted by
ladycplum One thing I didn't like was how the deaths of characters (Lupin, Tonks, and Fred especially) were skipped over. I understand the directorial reasoning behind it and that the focus was more on extending the Harry and Voldemort fight because really that's what the entire series has led to--Harry taking down Voldemort once and for all. However, it doesn't bother me that Wormtail's death wasn't explained and Lavender was just left on the floor after Greyback bit her. That's what we have the books for, really.
Was anyone else annoyed by the Grey Lady scene??? I did not like how her character was changed from the book
I've seen the movie twice (and desperately want to keep going to the theater to see it) and it is touching every time. I'm not a big crier, so I actually didn't cry at all...but I did tear up when Hermione hugged Harry just before he went to the forest. And at the end when they played the original theme again.
The movie was, despite its flaws, the perfect end to the film series.