Gryffie♥ | Disney DORK | Brittana | Mrs Kellan Lutz | I like Your Moves! 
What do you want? avvie, PP & Siggy please
What size(s) should they be? Anything SS allows
What images do you want on it? any from this album
What do you want written on it? PP:Thea-Aurora.
Proud Gryffindor Lioness.
Ready for her second year at Hogwarts.. Siggy:'Oh please, you guys love me. I keep it real, and I'm hilarious.' Avvie: fierce..
Any preferred color schemes?: Um.. not really Bright, colourful?
Any additional details?: Really looking forward to seeing them Thankyou in advance!!
AND. How are you? I care about you lovely person<3 Tehe, I am good thankyou! Yourself?
Last edited by elllla_Wtwins; 07-23-2011 at 12:15 PM.