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Fred is awesome 'Yeah, but Peeves can't go through you!' Rose grinned. 'You jinxed William? I have respect for you, though you don't look the type to jinx people...' Rose laughed. Then the girl said something that made her laugh. 'G-Selina? That's a strange name!' Then it hit her. Hmm, make as much out of this as possible... 'So, Gselina, are you doing the Polyjuice Final?' Rose asked smiling knowingly.
Gwen looked around for Peeves and pretended to listen to the girl talk.
'Me...ehm...no? Just some first year Ravenclaw.... I just wanted to mention... eh... like...eh', the girl started saying and thought of something smart to say.
All right, time is passing... It doesn't even have to be smart- Just SAY something! Anything will do... 'I just wanted to mention that you weren't the only one that jinxed William.', she finally said. Deciding not to give Rose time to ask something else and start acting suspicious, Gwen went on talking.
'Just... out of curiosity- what spell did you use?' Hopefully we didn't use the same one! I like considering myself original... Gselina? WHAT? 'No... that's NOT my name', the young Ravenclaw said, accentuating the
'not'. She had to make a short break again, to think of an excuse.
'I caughed first... I think I might get a cold?', Gwen said.
Come oon! Even I don't believe myself! And this conversation proved again what a bad liar Gwen was...
'Just Selina', she finally added.
'Um... tee hee... the polyjuice potion?', the girl mumbled, forching herself to seem nonchalant.
'I guess... I have a Hufflepuff partner. A friend of mine', Gwen said nodding.
What Hufflepuff friend? I have only one huffie friend -Jory, but I really wouldn't like changing into him. I'm just not that huffie-friendly.
'What about you?', the girl asked, hoping to make Rose stop thinking she might not be Selina.