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Old 07-23-2011, 05:08 AM   #24 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Lily<33 View Post
Ahhhh! I hate the unrelentless torment of not knowing and your flirtation (meant in a friendly way) with teasing us!
It's quite amusing and fun on my end.
Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Hey Emily. I'm probably going to be hated by everyone here, but, I have to defend Teddy. He can't be held responsible for Abi not getting over her feelings for him. They were children when they called each other Mr. & Mrs. He thought they were just teasing each other when they called each other Mr, and Mrs. He grew up, and Abi didn't. He didn't keep anything from her. She knew from the beginning he loved Victoire.
Oh, I very much agree with you. They were kids, just messing around, well to an extent on Abi's part... But really, what can you do?

I wouldn't say Abi didn't grow up though... I think she has grown up, and though it may have just been a crush when it started, her feelings did grow more pronounced over the years. She's grown up and she's still smitten by him. So, yeah, she was quite upset when she found out about Teddy and Victoire. Because she did very much fall for him as she grew up. And it wasn't fair to Alfie, but he was her best friend and he cared enough about her that she thought it'd all turn out okay. But it didn't because she couldn't go through with it...
At any rate Emily, you write so well, that it doesn't matter what I think about what's going on, because you take us into the story with our seat belts on, and the doors secured as you whisk us through what ever comes our way. I'll be watching for your next.
Thanks, Connie! More soon!

You can throw your sticks and stones,
Throw your bombs and your blows,
[But you're not gonna break my soul.]
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