Joker Junior and the Wolf Cub- The Tales of Freddie and Teddy - Sa13+ Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Disclaimer: The characters and concept and all things Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling
Author's note: This is the sequel to After Death There is Love. Chapter 1:
As usual there were flashes of light screams and the loud foot steps up and down the stairs. Chaos was abound and she was fighting through the crowd, fighting to get to him on time but she knew how it would turn out. She would be too late...always too late. She ran anyways in the direction of where she knew he would be fighting. A loud boom echoed through the Great Hall and Angelina sat up promptly in bed, face washed with sweat and tears running down her cheeks. She looked to the left and George was in the same position as her, sitting upright with a startled expression on his face. Clearly the boom came from outside her dream.
Both parents hopped out of bed and ran to the direction of their son’s room but he was nowhere in sight. Angelina started panicking but George thought he knew just where to find his son. Angelina followed closely behind her husband as they bounded down the stairs and down to the basement. Sure enough Freddie was sitting in front of a box with the front of his hair singed and face blackened from whatever had exploded. He didn’t seem to be hurt. George laughed but Angelina was fuming.
“Fredrick Weasley!” Angelina’s voice echoed around the room. George winced and was reminded strongly of his mother after she caught him and Fred doing something bad.
“Right....I’m just going to let you take care of this Angel......” George said and started backing away towards the stairs.
“Hold it right there George Weasley.” Angelina ordered, stopping George in his tracks.
Freddie had already backed away from the box he was rummaging through and was scanning the room for an escape route. There was only one way out and it was past his parents. His dad he could handle, but not his mom when she was fuming like that.
At five years old, he was well aware of the wrath of Angelina Johnson Weasley.”Mommy....” Yes, whenever he pouted really hard and maybe make some tears his mother’s anger would sometimes be cooled but only if he got through all of his routine.
Angelina held up a hand to stop him.” Oh no you don’t Freddie. Its six-oh-five in the bloody morning! What are you doing out of bed and in the basement? You are in BIG trouble young man, I hope you know this.”
Freddie dropped his eyes to the ground and put on the best ‘I’m sorry’ face he could muster.
“Aww come on, Ange - look at that face....he looks...just like me.” George waggled his eyebrows at his wife and she chuckled but quickly stopped herself.
“You’re in trouble too George Weasley. I told you he wasn’t ready for a big boy bed and you insisted he needed one.” Freddie was still her little baby, how far was five years old from five months anyways? Not very far in her opinion.
“Angelina, he’s five years old. It was way too old and big to be sleeping in a crib.” George protested.
“Yes, well now that he can get out of bed when he pleases, he blows things up or he gets into my makeup and my hair stuff or he redecorates my walls, he flies my broomsticks!” Angelina shot back.
George swallowed. She did have a point. Freddie had become quite the handful since he learned how to walk, and he and Teddy were a deadly combination. “Yeah but at least now you don’t have to wake up at night to take him to the bathroom.”
Angelina sighed. George had a point. She was also so tired after training or a match and George slept like a log. She had to be the one getting up to take Freddie to the bathroom. “I hope you know that you are cleaning this mess up.” She took hold of Freddie’s hand and led him to the bathroom.
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Last edited by demented_death_eater; 07-27-2011 at 08:58 PM.