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Old 07-21-2011, 05:34 PM   #97 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
SPOILER!!: So behind!

Enya was just sat there, bored, inspecting her nails. All this was boring, she could just about get through copying from someone else...Wait she should do that. That way it looked like she'd done work. Smiling she straightened her back and grabbed some parchment and a quill and began to write. Leaning over Louisa to look at what they had so far - two things - she paused.

'Test the plant on a creature' She read before she turned sharply to her two partners.

"That's the same as animal cruelty" She said sharply, thinking back to a book she had read once back in the day. No that wont do. "And what if it is poisoned?" She asked next before she grabbed her quill and extending her arm scratched out the second sentence on the parchment.

  • Ask someone who knows (Herbologist or expert)
  • Test the plant on a creature

Yeah that was good, she liked that. She had been close to standing on her seat and crying to the class about it all. Hmm, not the best idea no matter how funny it would have been. "How about this, Look in a book for the answers?" She asked semi sarcastically.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sierra rolled her eyes. So now the girl, whichever one she was, decided to speak up. Sierra drew in a deep breath then shrugged. "...better than one of us getting poisoned," she mumbled to herself. Nevertheless, she, too, put a scratch mark through the suggestion and added the one about a book. "How about...," she said, looking down at her notes, "observing it. You can look to see which animals are attracted to it or how the plant reacts to other things in nature."

  • Ask someone who knows (Herbologist or expert)
  • Test the plant on a creature
  • Research (books)
  • Observation (Which animals eat it? How does it react to other things in nature?)
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait," She raised her hands in the air and glared at Enya, "Did you just remove MY suggestion?" HUH? Because that was it! "I don't appreciate this. Besides, some creatures are only good for experimentation. If it wasn't for this method, you'll be still using dirty mud for your skin to smooth it!" Hinting at the facial care products... don't ask. "We're not here to talk about animals' cruelty. We're here for a scientific reason. You want sympathy, go pet your owl." HAHAHAHA! A smirk was put on her face.

On the other hand, their suggestions made sense to her. As if nothing had just happened, Louisa wrote down their idea withOUT removing her brilliant one.
"Let's see.." She pondered a minute before Enya would explode at her or whatever, ".. we can analyze it. Cut something out and take it to the lab..?" Very mugglish but she enjoyed this part in biology.. so..

SPOILER!!: Louisa's Parchment

1. Ask an expert.
2. Testing on creatures.
3. Research. BAAAH!Enya
4. Observation.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 07-21-2011 at 10:17 PM. Reason: adding parchment :D
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