Thread: Harry Potter: Bitter Sweet - Sa13+
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Old 07-21-2011, 03:58 AM   #27 (permalink)
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Posts: 10

hello, I'm going to give you some feedback, please don't take it badly because you are a good writer, as a writer I think there's always room for improvement, so I shall make some suggestions. I think that this is a good length for each character. Though, I've only read two, I found that you spend a lot of time on the inner reflection. Of course there should be some, but you wrote a whole paragraph on how harry feels just in different words. This is something I've been told as well, show us how he feels, don't tell us. Focus more on the plot a little, I liked in that one how it finished, how it was about after the fight and how you showed what Harry probably felt. Just, try to say what you want to get across with fewer words, but just as meaningful. Great job!
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