SPOILER!!: Quotes!
Originally Posted by princess of*hp*
Theodore, still retaining the outward appearance of his Gryffindor mate, pushed open the doors of the castle and entered the pleasantly warm entrance hall, one sweaty hand still awkwardly grasping Emma Malfoy. If only the poor kid knew that he was in fact holding onto Alfie Port, then things would have been easier on his worried head. All that he knew was that if he didn't make a run for it soon, the polyjuice potion would wear off and he would shrink back into nerdy little Theodore Dumble, which would give Emma, a.k.a. Alfie, the shock of her life. The only question was: how to shake off the girl and find Brae to explain things before they got out of hand?
"Emm?" He asked, his eyes travelling up the stairs. "I... I left something in my common room. I really need to, erm, uh... go and get it, yeah, and then I'll meet you back, um, here for... for dinner?" How convincing, He sardonically thought. His lanky limbs felt like trembling as his nerves strained to the breaking point. Biting his lip in a most un-Brae-like manner, Theodore had to hold back from tapping his foot with impatience.
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It wasn't until Emma spoke, that Braeden realized he'd kinda been dragging her with him while he went 74565 miles per hour. Oh, oops. That wasn't very Theo-like now, was it?
"I--I'm sorry, I, uh... I just... I'm so excited for this date!" lied the boy, "I just... I can't wait! The smell of books! Oh, beautiful, beautiful books! And... and all their valuable information! I just can't help myself!" he went on dramatically. He felt pretty proud of his performance on that one - Theo liked books, didn't he?
After this, Braeden began to slow down. Theo's legs weren't built for much speed-walking anyway, so the boy was beginning to grow a little exhausted. Not only that, but he was really actually kind of dreading this whole study date... He needed to figure out a way to get out of it without hurting Alfie's feelings or making Theo look bad.
As he burst into the Entrance Hall in a typical-Braeden kind of way, the boy came to an abrupt halt. There was a blonde girl standing just by the foot of the stairs.
Braeden could recognize that blonde hair and that frame anywhere.
Without realizing it, his hand abandoned Alfie's as he came up to the Slytherin blonde with the goofiest of his happy grins.
Oh Merlin, how he'd missed her! Why did it feel like it had been years since he'd last seen her?! Who cares, she was here now and everything would be just fine.
Lost in this sudden state of euphoria, Braeden forgot completely of his appearance, and, without giving it a second thought, he enveloped the blonde girl (who seemed unusually tall for some reason) in a nearly bone-crushing hug. "I've missed you so much..." he confessed as he pulled back with a sort of dazed look on his - Theo's - face. He was just about to lean in and greet her with a kiss, like he always did, when he noticed... Braeden Stonem was standing only a few steps away, on the first steps of the stairs. Braeden Stonem.... Theodore Dumble as Braeden Stonem!
Eyes wide as saucers, Braeden froze completely, and his eyes gazed at his arms around the girl for a moment. These. Were not. HIS. ARMS. LKSJDKFJDF.
Oh. My. GOD.
"Uh... uh... uh... uh..."
Could someone just please conjure up a hole on the ground and let him fall through it? All the boy wanted at that moment was to disappear off the face of the earth.
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Emma Alfie cocked an eyebrow in a surprised way. Excited for a study date? Loved the smell of books? And soon she spotted
Emma Alfie in her body! Oh hey there!! WOAH.
Woah. WOAH. Why was Theodore so excited to see her? Shouldn't he have been excited to see her, ALFIE!? Her mouth dropped as she stood gaping there for a
minute. The Malfoy watched as Braeden ran towards Emma
Alfie and hugged her. Whaaaaaaaat? Theo hugging Emma! No, no, no, no. Theo would never hug me! Trying to make sense of the situation, she blinked her blue eyes that were as wide as saucers now. Ermm.. Okay. This was just wonderful.
Blinking her blue eyes rapidly, she stood there awkwardly before quickly moving towards them. Theo hugging EMMA!? And what would come next?! Emma hadn't been leading Theo on or anything, she was already in a relationship with Theo's best friend, the suave Mr. Stonem. What would.. What would Braeden think!? And Oh Merlin's BEARD! Alfie's me! Did Theo know that Alfie was her and that she was Alfie?!
Emma started panicking.
Theo, yeah so there's Alfie.. I mean... Alfre- Emma." explained
Emma Alfie, as she stood there fidgeting her snake bracelet. It took the blonde to realise what was going on. So it could be two things: one, Theo's not feeling to well or two, Theo's knew that I WASN'T Alfie. Oh dear. Oh dear.
Alfie Emma. Say something!
Alfie Emma was just letting out a sigh of relief at Braeden's words. He wanted to split up! Oh happy day! He was going to leave for a while, come back just in time to meet the
real Emma when they changed back. And then she could just sit back and relax! And he seemed awfully anxious to go too... She had just opened her mouth to agree to this plan, when another pair of people ran into the Entrance Hall. Theo, and herself. Alfie-Emma did a double take. It was so strange to see yourself yards away! But she quickly realized the situation...
Alfie Emma's eyes widened at the sight of them; how had Emma found
Theo?! She immediately began to panic, wondering how that interaction had gone down. But before she could question this and release Braeden's hand to subtly head over to where she herself was standing (Emma), Theo was running towards her. For a moment, she gave a faint smile at the sight of him, and had nearly forgotten that she didn't look like Alfie; she was Emma. It was only as the boy called out the name 'Emma' specifically that
Alfie Emma got thoroughly confused. Wait,
huh? The Emma-look-a-like gave an expression similar to the one the Alfie-look-a-like made at the same time.
HUH? Before she knew it, she was being lifted off her feet in a large hug, listening to how Theodore Dumble had missed Emma Malfoy so incredibly much.
Alfie Emma was like a deer in headlights, her eyes as large as saucers (a very Alfie-like expression though she barely noticed at this point). WAIT! Why on earth was Theo suddenly missing Emma so much?! The girl, thoroughly confused, was only plummeted into further distress as the boy before her, who looked exactly like Theo, then leaned in for a
kiss! Luckily, he seemed to back out of this plan because the Emma-look-a-like sure wasn't leaning in to meet him!
WHAT?! Since when was Theodore Dumble leaning in for kisses from Emma Malfoy?!
Alfie Emma just stared up at the boy
blankly, somewhere deep inside her a little Alfie-heart cracking. How often did Theo go around hugging Emma Malfoy and missing her? Had she been in a less confused state,
Alfie probably would've noticed that something was up because her physical look-a-like was present too. If this was really Theo, and he really had a thing for Emma, there wasn't a chance he would express his feelings in front of both Alfie and Braeden. It just didn't make sense. But that was how a logical person would look at it, and unfortunately,
Alfie wasn't thinking very logically at the moment. She was flustered from all of this switching business, and tired of trying to be Emma Malfoy, and now suddenly the boy she had affections for was trying to kiss who she considered her best friend at Hogwarts.
And so that
blank face remained on what appeared to be Emma Malfoy's expression for at least thirty seconds, but was really Alfie's own emotions shown through. That was, until,
Emma Alfie attempted to step in and confirm that it was indeed Emma, fumbling with the names a bit. It was then that
Alfie remembered she needed to be keeping up an act and so she quickly wiped off the distressed expression and stood up a little taller. "Uh...I've missed you too, Theo," she muttered, the only response she could think of. She tried to look a bit weirded out though, as was to be expected from that kind of unexpected hug, and scooted a little closer to Brae for effect.