Thread: Harry Potter: Harry Potter Ficlets
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:13 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Disclaimer: I have no claim on the Harry Potter characters and universe belonging to J.K. Rowling.

The Sorting Hat

I was woken again to do my duty for the first years who had entered the school. I remember every family member who had come before them, and which house each one had been sorted into. Speaking the poem, that I had come up with throughout the year, I told of each of the houses in turn. I tend to favor the Slytherin’s over others, they aren’t really evil but not perfectly good either.

Their journey throughout their seven years at Hogwarts would be a long one, but in the end they would succeed in becoming full fledged witches and wizards. There’s tales that have come over the years, of some getting a second chance, and others becoming the master of death. All things have begun with me, the sorting hat. No witch or wizard has entered the school without first being sorted into their house.

I love my job, I always have. It’s the only job I’ve ever known. Many tease of having to take a test, or prove their magical capabilities, but all that’s needed is to take the step and put me on. Which house is meant for you, have you been brave enough to find out?