SPOILER!!: things I missed while I was away <3 and Maxie...chemistry was SOOOO never a good subject for me xD
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"Lumos is considered a charm because it does not 'conjure' light, but makes the tip of the wand glow - the stronger the glow, the brighter the illumination it provides. In other words, the tip or surface of the wand temporarily attains a new characteristic." The glow. Incandescence, after a fashion. "Aguamenti, on the other hand, is considered a transfigurational spell because it involves conjuration. When you conjure, say, a chair, the chair is technically being 'issued' from the caster's wand. The same is the case with conjuring water. "
"The other thing to remember, of course -" and knowing Kurumi, he had no doubts that she did remember it - "Is that it you can't always categorize a spell based on theoretical knowledge. Spell-mechanism* is essential to the classification of a spell, because it explains how the spell - charm or otherwise - brings about the change it does bring about. Take Mizurus boru, for instance. Someone who doesn't know how that particular charm works could very well think that it conjures water. But the fact is, there's no conjuration involved."
"That's a very good line of thought, though. Take two points for your house." * OOC: Since transfiguration and the like are regulated by laws, think reaction mechanism. Kurumi knew that this was supposed to be a review lesson of sorts, but she just couldn't help but pull out a fresh piece of parchment and write a few notes down based on the plethora of information she had just been dealt. Based on this question and the one she had asked in Ancient Runes, she was beginning to think that she really should look into taking some summer classes at other wizarding schools. Wizarding universities seemed to offer classes, but she wasn't sure that someone her age, someone going into their fourth year to be precise, would have a chance at being accepted into such programs. Perhaps she would have to keep all this on the back burner until the summer going into her fifth and sixth years.
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"For two points and all the houses... What is the wand movement for Luxra Magnifica?"
That would be a circle followed by an X," Kurumi said with her hand raised up high in the air.
Kurumi's head snapped upwards when she heard something about feathers. Merlin! It was raining them. Kurumi pulled her wand out of its holster - nearly sending it sailing across the room in the process - and tried to take careful aim of the feather floating closest to her. Moving objects were always so much harder to cast charms at - like all those bloody chocolate frogs from last term. "
Win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa," she enunciated as clearly as she could while performing a simple swish and flick movement with her wand - making sure that the swish was fluid and the flick not too strong.
Her feather's movement slowed until it had come to a stop. Testing to make sure that all was well, Kurumi moved her wand slightly upwards and was pleased to see that the feather followed.
Phew, task accomplished.