JALIA♥|| Pat&Vanessa♥ ||DAN CER|| [The future Mrs. Efron] || Miss OCD chick #82 Careful
Age: 9 The little ginger boy carefully pushed a kitchen chair to the counter, and got on top of it, reaching for the cookie jar. His mummy and daddy were outside degnoming the garden and Rose was in her room.
He took a chocolate chip cookie out of the jar and started munching on it. Being sneaky was fun.
“What do you think you're doing?!”
That was until your big sister caught you.
“Eating a cookie Rosie Posie,” he teased, sticking out his tongue with chewed cookie on it.
“Ewww! Close your mouth Huey Pooey.”
“Don't call me that!” He didn't like being referred to as poo.
Rose laughed as she walked out of the kitchen. |