Led By His Wand
It was a quiet evening. A hot breeze playfully moved through his full beard, then carelessly lifted his long hair from his wide shoulders and back. His weather beaten face was handsome, kind looking and young; yet, his emerald green eyes told a story of many hardships and battles witnessed. Anywhere he went everything he did always seemed to generate battles with severe consequences. All the battles had been won, and some ended in near death for him. There had been many deaths of good and bad alike.
A badger came into view, but the young man wasn’t noticeably bothered by the danger this varmint presented. Although being invisible to humans, the badger could see and smell him. Without warning or provocation, the antagonist ran at him with full intentions of bodily harm, death, if it could overcome its over-sized target. Why? Simply because this was the nature of it’s disposition.
The varmint received a jolt of electricity as a warning, but the warning was not heeded. Three more times the infuriated animal charged, and three times, it received a jolt of electricity. On the fourth attempt, before the dust settled from its new assault, it died in it’s tracks. As the young man raised the animal with his wand, he noticed a trace of magic within the corpse; because of this he caused an oblong hole to open in the ground with a concealment barrier around it. He then laid the corpse into the grave. The barrier enveloped it and the dirt was replaced. He compressed the earth and laid a round rock on the spot; he planned to investigate later. The whole incident hadn’t even caused a stir from the invisible hideaway as he sat watching his reason of being there. He had been gone for quite some time.
“The Burrow is still exactly the same as when I left.” he thought.
*A/N My name is Connie, and this is my 3rd Harry Potter ff. Harry Potter and anything associated with the story belong to JK Rowling. It is because of her tremendous writing ability that gives me the slightest chance of telling a good story. This story is a continuation of, 'Of Heads Or Tails, and 'Life Goes On Long After The Thrill Of Living Is Gone' I hope you enjoy this and please feel free to comment.
Prologue Chapter 1 Memories To Pass The Time Chapter 2 Ginny's Harsh Confession Chapter 3 Looking Back Chapter 4 Fabrication Of The Truth Chapter 5 The Explanation Chapter 6 Unloved And Unwanted Chapter 7 Nearly Killed By His Mentor Chapter 8 Dumbledore Spills The Beans Chapter 9 Trouble Buzzing At The Burrow Chapter 10 A Jig Saw Puzzle Of Sorts Chapter 11 Wake Up Call For Harry Chapter 12 Things Always Look Different In The Morning Chapter 13 A Fresh Start, A New Day Chapter 14 The reasoning Chapter 15 The Answer And The Question Chapter 16 No More Mr. Nice Guy Chapter 17 Three Unexpected Visitors Chapter 18 A Memorable Trip To Godric's Hollow Chapter 19 A Bit Of Cloak And Dagger Chapter 20 Bat-Bogey's Fly At The Ministry Chapter 21 A Delay In The Story Chapter 22 Zombies In North America Chapter 23 Out Of The Past And Into The Future