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Old 07-19-2011, 05:18 AM   #74 (permalink)
Tristan Christiansen
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 491

"Bind runes iz a symbol composed of two or more runes." Tristan said and nodded at both the girls who had answered. "Zere are rules and regulations to follow ven composing a bird rune. It iz a complicated process, ja? Overlaying several runes vidout havink studied how to do so iz useless! Zere vill be no effect!"

He paused. "Zere are several kinds of bind runes. Ze most common is mergink several runes by overlayink each over ze ozer (other). Bind runes enhance ze pover of individual runes and concentrate zeir inherent forces."

"Runes are also used in magick. Zey can harness ze subtle zenergies in our vorld and environment. Zat means runes can be used to brink peace and heal." He looked at his watch. "Zat is all for today. Now I vill give homevork, ja? Make your own protective runic zwellery. Explain vich runes you use and vy. Owl to me. Ten points. Due one week. Ja? Ja. God dag and sank you. Have a good summer."

ooc: HOMEWORK: Draw a piece of jewellery (bracelet, necklace, earring or whatever you like) containing at least one rune. (You can draw it by hand or use a software) Tell me which rune or runes you chose, and write a paragraph on why you choose that specific rune/ those specific runes. This homework assignment is due a week from this post and is worth ten points. I will keep this class open for several more hours if you want to RP your characters leaving and then it will close.
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