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Old 07-18-2011, 10:58 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Nora Penelope Reed
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...

Originally Posted by Tristan Christiansen View Post
Tristan nodded and smiled at the students. "Very good."

"Chakras are veels of zenergies present in ze human body. By receivink and transmittink positive or negative zenergies zey are ensurink a balance or disbalance in our bodies. Ze most well known system of chakras is beink zat of seven chakras. I show you ze chakra stones now, ja?"

He took out a little pouch from his pocket. Reaching inside it, he held up a purple stone. "Zis iz sahasrara or Crown chakra on amezyst." He held up a dark blue stone. "Zis iz ajna or third-eye chakra in Lapis Lazuli." He held up a light blue stone. "Zis iz vishuddha or sroat chakra on blue calcite." He held up a pitch black stone. "Zis is anahata or heart chakra in advenzurine." He held up a shining golden stone. "Zis iz manipura or zolar plexus chakra in golden calcite." He held up a scarlet stone. "Zis iz
svadhisthana or sacral chakra in red zasper. It iz beautiful, ja?" He held up a breathtaking red-black stone. "Zish iz muladhara or root chakra carved on obsidian stone."

He put the first stone on top of his head, held the second against his forehead, and the third against his throat. "You place all of zem on zeir respective chakras, ja? You are zen beink able to focus, concentrate and think clear. But zeir actual abilities are beink much more impressive." He murmured an incantation over the stones, placed them on himself again, and disappeared from the classroom. Moments later, he reappeared. He put the stones in a bag. "Vat just happens? Vat iz beink strange about it?"
Blink, blink.

What was this man talking about?!

However, Helena's attention has been caught as he suddenly disappeared, and then appeared back. Did the stones do that? Whether they did it or not, it was cool! Being able to disappear with a few stones. "I suppose you placed them in the right places of chakra?" The girl suggested, even though it was pretty much obvious that that was what he did.
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