"Zat is right." Tristan nodded and didn't notice the Gryffindor girl's confusion. "Zere are a number of rune spreads or rune dravinks. Ve draw ze runes accordink to one and read zeir meaninks."
"In ze last class ve did a sree rune spread, ja? Ze serd rune indicated outcomes zat could happen based on ze present. But ve must remember zat nothink iz ever set in stone. Ze present changes, zen ze possible outcomes iz also beink changed."
"How iz muggles' use of runes to 'see' ze future different? Vat do ze muggles think?"
ooc: Sree = three. Serd = third. Wizards and witches believe that runes cannot tell us the exact future and what they predict doesn't have to happen. He wants to know what muggles that firmly believe in runic divination, tend to believe about it.
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