Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ p.o.t.i.o.n.s ~* Freshly Squeezed *~ Indiana looked at the ingredients list posted on the board, and copied them carefully down on to her parchment. She muttered under her breath as she did so, concentrating. 500ml Water.
10g Shrivelfig, peeled and crushed.
5g Beetle eyes.
Mucus of three flobberworms, hand-squeezed.
She gulped. “Hand-squeezed, Professor?” Gross.
Across the room, Spike snickered. He was well ahead of her, and had already (and rather over-zealously) prepared his.
“Did you want a hand, sis?” he asked with a smirk. Indie shook her head defiantly.
“N-n-no...I can do it...”
Wincing, and eyes screwed shut, she tentatively picked one up. Ewwwwww.
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