Did you just lose something? The GAME? Sorry... 'Justin Bieber, he is the man!' U mad, Felton!?
Rose followed William inside. 'Yup, I'm just here to check if what he says is true, and if not, well, even if he does tell the truth, to tell my side of the story!' Rose smiled at the teacher. 'Well, I'll put it into brief explanation... He's came to tell me off for jinxing him for bullying me! And, he'll deny it, so I'm here to clarify... I used the jelly-legs-jinx on him, adding as soon as I did it, I realised I shouldn't have, so I unjinxed him, because he said' Rose tried to remember, 'as evil as Bellatrix Lestrange, and a pure blood spoilt brat Slytherin, which is offending to Slytherins!' Rose explained smiling. She would say sorry, if he did!
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