Thread: Midnight Dreams
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Old 07-16-2011, 08:36 PM   #52 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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*eyes posts and queue*

Queue open am I correct? *fails if not* >__< Ahh well, I'm just going to make my request anyway. XD

What I want: Set
Sizes: 100x100, 300x350 and 450x150 [you should know what sizes are for what, right? XD]
Images: Album hereeee
Text: Nothing on the avvie and Elliot Bridgewater on both the PP and siggie and maybe Magical Creatures somewhere on either of them? :3
Preferred colour schemes: White mainly with oranges, blacks and basically any colours? I don't mind. ^__^

And how am I? I am hyped up about DH, I keep having urges to want to see it again. Oh and thank you in advance! <333
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