Originally Posted by
LunaLovegood 123
Does Luna read a speech at Dobby's grave??
Unfortunatley no^^^
Now for what I thought....
My personal opinion was that the movie was amazing. The directors and actors did an amazing job creating what I would say is the best movie.
SPOILER!!: spoils about movie
My top five favorite things:
1. I really liked how when Snape was talking to everyone about if they had seen Harry or knew were he was and he steps out of the crowd and then the Order of Pheonix comes.
2. I liked the part where Molly is like "that is my daughter you witch". People say that she should have yelled it and made it a big deal, but I feel she said it in the perfect way so seriously then they started dueling.
3. I loved how they did Snapes memories they were very cute and touching. Especially the part where he was crying over Lily's dead body. That made me cry

The 19 years later part was amazing even though I wished it was longer and had more characters. I especially like Harry's talk with Albus. It was so cute and fatherly like.
5. When McGonagall does the piertotum locomoter
I think. She did it so well and said it perfectly, nice and strong. I also like when she tells Molly afterwards. "I've always wanted to do that spell. The way she said it made her sound like younger person, ready to jump up and down with excitement over doing a spell.
And the whole rest of the movie I loved those were just the top five I thought of off the top of my head.