Originally Posted by
LunaLovegood 123 Thank you both-amandagayle and HarryHermioneRon! Can anybody tell me more about Neville and Luna scene? What do they talk about and they never liked each other in the book! I dont understand! Lol what do they talk about and is that scene long? How long(like estimated)? thank you guyss!
It's not very long. There's one part where Neville says he needs to find Luna to tell her he likes her. Then at the end they are sitting together. It's very cute. I once her JK said that is she had thought about it she would have had them hook up!
Originally Posted by
silver_gitana4 I so wanna see this, I have to wait til Monday as I work mid shifts all weekend( including tomarrow) ok, what about Lucius? I seem to remember Jason isaacs saying they didn't need him as much as they thought, or something like this.
Snape cries over a dead Lilly? Does he at least look at baby Harry? I think he should have taken baby Harry and raised him as his own.
Is the "bravest man I ever knew" line still in there. And the "always" line as well as if Dumbles asks Snape if he has grown to care for Harry?
I wanna know details about poor sev...
Lucius' part is rather small. There's a couple little areas and one little bit of humor between him and Voldemort. There is a part at the end where you see the Malfoys running from the battle, choosing neither side really.
Originally Posted by
KAG How was Ginny and the Harry/Ginny relationship?
Mild really. There is one part when she sees him "dead" in Hagrid's arms that is heart string tugging. Otherwise, there's a quick kiss and a comfortable comradery between them on the Platform
Originally Posted by
La La
Also did anyone else notice in the kings cross station Harry didn't have his glasses on?
Yea- that was described in the book, too. In fact, he has no scar on his forehead, either. He is as his soul is- whole and perfect. It's the body which bears the burden of glasses and lightening bolt scar.
Originally Posted by
Lady of the Lake I'm just going to see it next week, I hate crowds and the usual madness from the first days
I can't wait to see the Prince's Tale, especially after reading how you guys described it. But I also have a question. I'm a huge McGonagall fan, and I was curious if she got enough scenes in the film? Also, is the part where she screams upon seeing Harry 'dead' included in the film? How about the 'We duel to kill, Horace' part? Thank you to anyone who can answer.
She definitely leads the school and teachers in the final battle. Although, her scream and her declaration to Horace are not there. In fact, there is no question as to Horace's allegiances. They do remove the Slytherins, though.
Originally Posted by
newtscholar8 I was wondering during the resurrection stone scene , does Lupin have any lines? Do they address Teddy?
Thank you
Yes, they quickly address Teddy. Lupin looks the best he ever has. It's quiet and simple, but nice.