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Old 07-15-2011, 05:06 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Draven Kurgan
The Enigma Prognosis

Wonderful conclusion to a wonderful franchise (Yes, i know they hate that term but it is what it is).

1)Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, and Alan Rickman SHINED in this film. Carter is just so versatile as an actress and is a pleasure to watch. Fiennes finally got to show the many aspects of Voldemort and it came out perfectly. Snape got his due finally, i especially loved the memory taken from his tears. Touching sequence for sure. And Smith? Boy, who knew she could kick so much butt? To awesome for words really.

2)The Ron/Hermione kiss was better than expected. Certainly better than the stupid Hermione/Potter dance scene from Pt 1. The holding hands towards the end was cute.

3)As previously mentioned, the death of Fred, Remus, and Tonks was a bit shallow and not built enough for my liking but didnt kill the movie for me.

4)Neville Longbottom on the bridge to Hogwarts being converged upon by hundreds of death eaters was hilarious.

5)The epilogue was ok, could of used a little more depth but again didnt hurt the film all that much for me.

6)Dragon scene was fabulous, one of my favorites.

At the end of the day the film was far superior to Pt 1 and ended the series on a high note. Even though i never read the books i still love the films and thank the actors/actresses for putting so much time, effort, and dedication into it all. Ten years is a long time to dedicate one's self to a movie role and it hasnt gone unoticed by this gentleman.

The one thing im not sure about is there is a scene in which Fenrir Greyback is feeding on a student. They gave the student a camera shot but i couldnt figure out who it was. Was that supposed to be Lavender Brown? Anyone know?
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