Not sure if we can post yet... but I think we can so here goes. This is an excerpt of the battle of hogwarts, told from Charlie's point of veiw. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter universe, or really, anything in the this story.
I was running through Hogwarts. The Death Eaters had just gotten through the defenses and they were everywhere; the heat from spells was hotter than Dragon breath.
"Charlie!" came a yell. I turned and saw Bill. I ran to im, ducking Killing curses, glass, peices of stone, stunning spells, and the occasional body.
"What?" I asked.
"Kingsley needs help on the roof," Bill said, ducking another Killing Curse, and retaliating with a Reductor Curse.
"The roof?" I said. Of course the roof. Bill's body collapsed into a plume of shining white smoke, and he flew from a broken window; I did the same. We landed on the roof, and I gasped. Thousands of Death Eaters. This was only the Great Hall! And a bunch of Death Eaters were on it! A lot of older students an order members were on it as well. But wow. I ran to the front. "Stupefy! Reducto! Incendio!" I roared. Then I felt cold. Quite cold. Dementors glided over Death Eaters, rattling. I summoned a memory. A good one. I found it, and joined in the calls; "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I screamed, and a small dragon joined the hundreds pulsating from wands; Death Eaters were pushed back as well.
The Connection- a Next Generation Fanfic