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Oh, goodness yay here came her bestie to have a cup of tea with her! Oh, wait... She was complaining, yet again. Poppy rolled her eyes as she grabbed a mouthful of cookies and stuffed Lizzie's mouth. There, that ought to shut her up for a while, and help her put some sugar meat on those bones. "You were saying, sweetie?" Poppy giggled and then took a biscuit herself and basically swallowed it with one bite. Like a lady. Poppy flicked her wand and the old record she had set up in the corner of the room began to play a waltz, just what Lizzie wanted to do. Waltz. She grabbed both of Lizzie's hands and began to twirl around the room with her, while she tried to accompany the melody with an awful, screech-like hum. Lizzie was having fun. Maybe not, but Poppy was.
Merlin's beard! Lizzie was having coolies FORCED INTO HER MOUTH! What was going on here?! She couldn't talk! She couldn't express her anger toward Poppy! This was a monstrosity! SHE COULD NOT TALK! She began to chew furiously in an attempt to get rid of the biscuits. She WOULD finish them all and tell Poppy Pricklepot how awful she was!
Urm, now they were waltzing?
'Let go of me!' Lizzie tried to say, but it came as more
'Uhlegome,' thanks to the biscuits. She found herself being pulled around the room. That would have been bad enough, and then Poppy started to hum. Or screech, more like it. This was ridiculous. Pricklepickle had turned the entire workplace into a farce.
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Medea turned on heel to see who came in behind her. "Lizzie, I'm assuming you don't know about this then?" Surely if she wasn't aware what was going on then it wasn't legit. It was Lizzie's job to know everything about everything on Level 1, that's what administrative assistants did right?
But who was she yelling at, or about? "I'm sorry who?" Her brow furrowed as suddenly there was another voice. Turning around yet again she saw .... she saw... what who was this?!
Medea wasn't sure what to make of this woman, she was all pink and cheerful. And definatley off her rocker. "Right, I see that it's food." Medea really wasn't digging this woman's tone. "Who granted you permission to set up all this food." She motioned around the room, "And these disgusting decorations." A sinlge brow was getting dangerously close to disappearing into her hairline.
Wait, what?! Did she just shove cookies in Lizzies mouth? "Lizzie you ok?" It was all happening so quickly. Medea got her wand and held it, pointing at the walking, talking unicorn vomit.
"You will let her go!" Medea was sure Lizzie didn't want to be whirled around the room. Furthermore, if something happens to her who's going to file Medea's random files for her? She certainly wasn't going to do this.
'No, not at all' Lizzie said, glaring at Poppy. This was all HER doing. Stupid, stupid woman. She had ruined everything! Lizzie had had no idea whatsoever about this, and if Lizzie didn't know then it certainly wasn't legitimate. Noooooo way.
The blonde arched her perfectly plucked eyebrows at Poppy. Honestly.
'Poppy Pricklepot, of Magical Maintainance,' she told Medea through gritted teeth. The woman was a disgrace to the Ministry. She couldn't imagine why Borr had hired her.