Originally Posted by
THOSE. ARE. AMAZING. Which one should I choose? They're all perfect! Aah Imma save thema all and I'm going to put them in right after I finish counting down! Thank you thank you thatnk you
And the smile thing is good too, you can still see the smile so it's perfect! Thanksss
I'd give you a billion souls but unfortunetely I don't have enough Dementors for that!
Glad you like them
Originally Posted by
*flails* The Lion King avvies are just amazing!
I'm gonna take them! I'll be sure to credit! (:
Thank you I'm glad you like them
Originally Posted by
Ello!! So, if you are taking requests for animated icons and if the queue is open, I would like to make a request
I was wondering if you could make me an Eric Northman avvy (because I know you love True Blood as well
) using either of the Eric videos from the most recent journal entry (July 11).
Sorry I couldn't get the videos to you another way without posting the link to someone's blog, but I hope it helps, and please let me know if you have any questions!
I would love to make you some Eric Northman icons
but I can't find any videos in that site
Could you link me directly to the videos? Preferably youtube, but if you can't find them on youtube just let me know exactly what minute and second(s) of which episode and I can make them