Originally Posted by
Steelsheen He looked at Evelyn, then the little Slythie (Aurora) then the new Badger (Cricket) who Sierra and Lola honed in on like predator to prey. Darnit, there goes that Puff.
Then he hears Caroline looking for a Snake with a silver bag. Does that matter? He looked at Ev's silver bag and his own. "I guess we need to find another Snake with a green bag Ev, we both have silver" he mumbled crestfallen to the Slytherin brunette. And he thought he'd be able to work with her on something....
... hold up, the little Slythie had a green bag too! "Uh hey kid.. " he addressed the youngun (Aurora) "I'm Salander and this is Evelyn" yes he's giving their names-- she is a fellow Slythie after all "What do we call you?" Cuz he doubted she'd like being call Kid all the time.
Then he waved at Caroline "Uh... I got a silver bag" in fact two of them counting Ev "You got a green bag? And a Hufflepuff with a map?" he started to grin and nudged Evelyn, two pairs of green and silver bags plus a Huffie with a map. That could work right? "We could join our groups."
Unless Treyen will actually be their HuffiePuffie. Eyes him. Again.
He didn't like the way all the Slytherins were looking at Cricket. Like, a Niffler had spotted a knut. Not nice, people.
But Treyen had to clear his throat as soon as Salander mentioned 'join groups'. He shook his head after making sure the Slytherin was seeing him. No joining groups either. The map could only be shown to two Slytherins. They could work out the clues together, but they'll be splitting in their groups.
Remember? Someone needs to get to their final destination first.
And now he felt like he was THAT knut the Niffler was seeing. STOP IT SALANDER. He will assist if he had to.
OOC: If Salander joined Caroline and Viola, then he'll be able to see their map.