He spotted Sierra coming by and didnt even really need to see Lola to know that the young Slytherin was around. Salander had to smirk. The young Snake must be so enjoying the possibility of swimming with the fishes.
SPOILER!!: Evelyn, Aurora too
Originally Posted by
Roselyn ooc: Eep! hehe, oops! Still a firstie though *shifty*
Well now, she didn't have to be all...grinning...about it.
Even if that didn't make sense and she was going for more of an insult type way of thinking that, it still annoyed Evelyn. A smart first year or not, she was short. Or...well...no she wasn't...
"If you're saying you don't want to be partners even though you're suggesting that I don't have to agree with being partners with you...why'd you even ask?" Yea, why ask? Pssh. Made no sense.
Salander made sense though. Opening her own bag, she was going to reach in and see what there was, but Sal got his first. Shiny stuffs.
"Mermaids?" Seriously? Glancing between the young Slytherin girl whom she didn't know the name of and Salander, Evelyn scoffed before speaking up again.
"If one of us has to turn into a mermaid...I vote the young one does it."
She was smaller.
The Slytherin lad turned his head at Evelyn
"We're turning people into mermaids?" then shifted his eyes quickly at the little girl (Aurora) just as Evelyn did. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged at the young Slythie.
"You'll look cuter in a fishtail than I would anyway." Boost of confidence for yea?
SPOILER!!: Treyennnnn
Originally Posted by
Lockhartian Treyen just nodded as Aaron spoke, and eyed the people in there. What Lola said about mermaids didn't go unnoticed. Geez, Lola as a mermaid would be FOREVER annoying.
He was sure the girl would be always at the surface, so everyone could hear her high-pitch sounds.
He eyed the
map Viola was holding and watched it as it suddenly changed into this other
Well, that was better. Suited this task even more. Had she paired up with other Slytherins?
THen he glanced at Treyen and the ONE Hufflepuff student that did show up. With a map! He eyed the girl, the map, then Treyen. Girl.Map.Treyen.
Is that all they needed the Puffs for? A map?
He neared the Badger Prefect and angled his head at the young Puff
"So are we supposed to all share the Hufflepuff?" that sounded errrr
"....map I mean? The Hufflepuff's map?" Cuz there was
one Badger in a Courtyard of Snakes.
"Unless you'd like to be our token Puff Prefect?"
*eyes him.*