Thread: Harry Potter: A Year in Hiding- Sa16+
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Old 07-08-2011, 04:33 AM   #50 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Chapter Fourteen
GOing Back Home

Right then, we need to think of the best way to get you out of here” Abenforth Dumbledore said after we’d finished the bread, cheese and mead he’d given us. “Can’t be done at night, you heard what happens if anyone moves outdoors during darkness: caterwauling charm’s set of, they’ll be on you like Bowtruckles on Doxy eggs- I don’t reckon I’ll be able to pass off a stag as a goat a second time” I stared at the man sitting opposite me, so like his brother, not understanding what he was saying. “Wait for day break, when curfew lifts, then you can put your cloak back on and set out on foot. Get right out of Hogsmeade, up into the mountains, and you’ll be able to Disapparate there. Might see Hagrid” Abenforth added, glancing at me as a scarlet streak appeared in my long black hair. “he’s been hiding in a cave up there with Grawp ever since they tried to arrest him

We’re not leaving” Harry said calmly and I nodded.

We need to get into Hogwarts” I added, watching the man as he laughed at us.

Don’t be stupid” He said and I raised an eyebrow at him, making Jamie put a hand on my knee.

We’ve got to” Harry said, his voice still calm.

What you’ve got to do is take your friends, including miss Centaur foal there” Abenforth said, jabbing his thumb in my direction. “And get as far away from here as possible

Have you heard anything about the Centaurs?” I asked quickly and he shook his head. I slumped in my seat, making Jamie take my hand. Harry took my left hand and glanced down when he felt my engagement ring. “Later” I said sadly, answering his unsaid question.

You don’t understand” Harry said, letting my hand go and leaning forwards. “There isn’t much time. We’ve got to get into the castle. Dumbledore- I mean, your brother- wanted us-

My brother Albus wanted a lot of things done...” Abenforth started and I stood up, excusing myself to the bathroom. I stared at my reflection in the grimy mirror, thinking about my remaining family. Jamie and the others were trying to argue their way into Hogwarts. Hagrid was in a cave somewhere in the mountains with Grawp. Ronan, Magorian and the other Centaurs were playing happy herd in the Forest, not giving a care about what was happening. Firenze was actually inside the castle, where who knows what was happening.

Ali? You still in here?” I jumped, clutching my throat as Jamie’s voice came through the wooden door. He cracked the door open, glanced inside, and walked up to me, snaking an arm round my waist. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” He said, studying our reflection in the mirror.

I was lost in thoughts… What is it?” I asked, twisting in his arms to face him, wrapping my arms round his neck.

What were you thinking about?” He asked, watching my face as he swept a lock of black hair out of my face.

Hagrid, Firenze, the herd, you…” I shrugged, turning back to face the mirror.

We’ve got a way into the school” He said quietly, making me pause as I watched the candle light flicker off our faces. “It’s a tunnel behind that painting of the fireplace

You sound like it’s a bad thing” I noted, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

You’ll understand in a minute, come on, we’re ready to go” He said, offering his hand. I pushed it out the way and clung to his side, making him smile. We walked back into the main room and I froze in the doorway.

Alicia? Is that really you?” The new arrival said, staring at me. “Wow. That’s all I have to say, wow

N- Neville?” I stammered, rendered completely silent. He laughed at my gobsmacked face and I ran forwards, tackling him in a hug so hard he took several steps back. “What- how- when…” I said, refusing to let him go.

Ali, let him breathe” Jamie said in a worried voice and I stepped back, looking at Neville properly.

What, in the name of Merlin, happened to you?” I snapped, frowning as I let my fingers hover over the injuries on his face.

This is nothing, you should see Seamus” Neville said, batting away my hand and shrugging it off. We followed him into the tunnel, listening to the brief pieces of information he gave us and answering what questions we could as mysteriously as possible.

Nev, what about Firenze?” I asked, unable to stop myself.

“He’s fine, now” He said, walking backwards to look at the five of us. The heat was quickly sucked from my body. “I mean, he’s fine, Alicia” Neville backtracked quickly, seeing Jamie’s hard look.

What ha- happened?” I asked shakily, making Jamie and Ron grab my arms. Neville looked at Jamie awkwardly and I shook my head. “Tell me, Nev, please” I pleaded, staring at him. “He’s part of the little family I have” My words seemed to have swayed him, as did the little nod from Jamie.

The Carrows happened” Neville said darkly.

Those Death Eater teachers?” Jamie asked, still leading me forwards.

Yeah, that’s them” He retorted, spitting. “When they first started, everything was almost normal- apart from Snape and them and people missing, obviously- then, one day they heard Ginny and Luna talking at breakfast, wondering where you lot were and if it was safe to try contacting you, Alicia- and the Carrows went overboard with the punishment, torturing them for information… Firenze exploded into the Hall, fury clear on his face and pulled the girls away, rearing and shouting at the Carrows- nearly took Alecto’s head off, too” I smiled weakly, seeing it play out in my head. “They decided to focus on him, then- it wasn’t pretty, I’m telling you… Someone must’ve gone for Snape, because he burst into the hall next and tells the Carrows to stand down” He turned to look at my shocked expression.

Snape? The Snape?” Ron asked, clearly shocked too.

The one and only… He told them ‘stand down! The Dark Lord wishes the Centaur remains unharmed!” I stumbled as Neville spoke, making Jamie wrap an arm round my waist.

Keep going” I said faintly, closing my eyes as things slowly started to become clearer.

Firenze didn’t like that, shouting at Snape about being a disgrace and a traitor and no matter what he does, her blood will always be on his hands” Neville gave me a questioning glance, but I just shrugged weakly. “Snape turned even paler than normal and glowered at him. It looked like he was going to let the Carrows continue, but he said ‘do not bring up the past, Centaur, especially one you know nothing about- your Alicia wouldn’t be grateful if her soon- to- be remaining family member is killed, would she?” Neville said, imitating Snape’s voice for a second time. “Firenze bristled and snapped something at him- all anyone could make out was your name, which was the first he’d even mentioned you, by the way. Snape just smirked and came out with the best part of the argument- ‘we’ll see how long it takes before little Alicia’s heart draws her back to you, then she’ll do the Dark Lord’s bidding

Never” Jamie snarled, pulling me closer. I felt my legs shake as I clutched him to me tightly, never wanting him to let go. Neville’s eyes caught the glimmer of the ring on my finger and I nodded absently at his unspoken question, willing him to continue.

Firenze’s exact reaction, but Snape just laughed… Said something like ‘she’ll do as she is told for once- especially with you and her precious Starlight in the equation’- Alicia!” He stopped, worry on his face as my legs gave out and Jamie and Ron caught me before I hit the ground. “Sorry!” I wouldn’t sure if the apology was to me or Jamie.

It’s okay, Neville, she would’ve made you tell her anyway” Jamie said, waving the others on. “I’ll carry her, don’t worry” He held me close, swinging me into his arms as he followed behind the others through the tunnel. “So, at least he’s still alive, right? We didn’t know what we were walking into, did we?” He seemed to be talking to me, but his voice was quiet and far away.

So. He wanted me to his dirty work for him. He knew the only way to get to me was through those I cared about the most. He’d killed my parents to flush me out of hiding. Well. He had done his homework on me. He knew all my buttons. Threaten my friends and family, and see me flip out and do something stupid.

Snape’s right” I whispered eventually and the colour drained from Jamie’s face as he stopped talking quickly. “If Vol- You- Know- Who wants me, he certainly knows how to get me… I’d never be able to abandon you, or Firenze, or even Hagrid- they know I’d come back to them, with you right beside me

Ali, please” He whispered, the sound pained.

Think about it… With me as his prisoner, he wouldn’t need Death Eaters on lookout- he’d use me. He wouldn’t need to torture people to get inside their heads- he’d use me. He wouldn’t have to use different Death Eaters as spies- he’d use me. He wouldn’t even need an army- he’d just use me” I felt him flinch underneath me every time I whispered the word me.

He can’t have you” He said after a while of silence, making me jump slightly even though the words were barely a whisper. “He can’t have you” He repeated, his voice slightly louder as he locked his eyes on mine. “You’re mine

I will always be yours” I whispered, unhooking an arm from his neck and touching his cheek lightly.

You’re good, and kind, and loving, and… And… I won’t let them touch you” He said, looking up, away from my face as we reached a set of stairs.

I’ll walk now, love” I murmured and he set me on my feet, taking my hand and paying with my engagement ring, still not looking. “Sweetheart” I said softly, using my still raised hand to gently push his eyes back to mine. “I know you won’t let them touch me” I said, brushing my finger- tips over the corner of his lips. “He’d never get me, anyway” I said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “He wants me alive, they’d have to kill me to capture me

Not even remotely funny” He said, pulling me in for a kiss and shaking his head seriously.

Sorry” I managed to whisper quickly, before I was effectively shut up. Neville said something loudly that I didn’t quite catch and then pushed open another hidden door and jumped out into a roar of noise. Hands appeared from the other side and Harry, Ron and Hermione vanished into the noise too. Curiously, we neared the place and were sucked into the room beyond by more hands.

We were immediately separated, Jamie being pulled to the left while I was hauled forwards, into hugs and laughter. I knew the people round me, but shock at seeing them all together like this robbed my voice, just like with Neville. I hugged the huggers, and answered the callers, my eyes darting quickly round the head of blonde hair I would recognise immediately, and spotting it in the crowd, next to another familiar blonde.

Guys, I- er- I’m going over here” I said, pushing my way through the crowd, who seemed to know where I was heading, and split quickly, earning my gracious smile. “Catch me!” I yelled, popping out of the crowd and leaping on Jamie, who did as I said and spun me round, forgetting Lavender beside him and kissing me hard and long. The crowd whistled, making my hair turn scarlet and tumble into our eyes.

Jeesh, you act like you can’t be separated for a single minute” I broke free, gasping for air and glanced round at the voice.

Well, funny you should say that, Lavender” Neville popped into existence beside the girl, smiling broadly as his eyes told me not to start any trouble. “Alicia and Jamie are engaged!” More whistles and shouts erupted in the room and Lavender crossed her arms moodily, sulking into the mob of people that began it’s weird tug of war with us again, this time making sure we were together, until we ended up under the doorway we’d just been yanked through.


I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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