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"Then yer foul magic has addled yer brain," growled Barnabus. "Me wouldn' put it past ye to change yer appearance an' pretendin' to not know me. Enough wi' yer lies!"
He turned to the pirates. All of them. "Gentlemen o' fortune! This castle be hidin' me treasure an' we must find 'er," he bellowed with authority. "Look everywhere an' no rest until me treasure is found!"
Barnabus gave Tate a scathing look and then bounded out of the Great Hall.
Sea Dog stood from his seat and looked around at everyone and then started to follow Barnabus out of the Great Hall. "Where ye be headin cousin? Me thinks we should start in the dungeons!" He said sternly and then looked back over his shoulder at the crew and then back at Barnabus. "Aye the dungeons sound like a good place to start."