I LOVE Jacob. Sosososososososo much.
And I saw Raiden's name in there. Yep.
Originally Posted by
1. You so areeee. *eyes you back*
2. Er...I can poke youuuu? But you've already read the first few chapters anyway!
You could say Nia is a litte too determined. Definitely a perfectionist...though I guess that drive to be the best she can is what's got her this far into her career? Nia is proud of her Ellie...especially if she's kinda inspired her ^____^
Hehe. I love that line. It's just...I dunno, sums up Nia's Captaincy in a way? Everyone working together.
*steals a gloopy toasted marshmallow*

1. Noooooot.
2. It did it again!! And soooo? Heh. XD
As far as Quidditch goes, at least, that's Ellie.
She soooo looks up to Nia.