9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev Light blue eyes all got narrowed at the fat man as he tore the letter in pieces and yelled out loud something about replacing Mr. Bole...but more like in an 'how interesting' manner instead of an annoyed or angry one.
And the gaze did not leave the spot it was fixed at even thought the troll-human hybrid left his lounger and exited the office. It was only when Caedwyn spoke that Ryan looked up, moving his gaze on her instead. ''Apparently not.'' he said with a reckless shrug of his own right after giving a quiet nod at the woman. ''I doubt Mr. Bole will take it any other way than that this Minister for Magic needs immediate medication and psychopathological treatment.''
Smiling at the woman, he patted on her shoulder and turned to face the door. ''Alas!! Too unlucky for him that i have given up that job long ago. But i know it is also pretty lucky for our own mental health.''
Taking a long, heavy, deep breath; the man eyed the level one corridor outside before taking a small step towards there.
''Let's leave this cursed place. We have things to do. If, of course, you would like to keep yourself busy with business for the rest of the day instead of guarding this door for Borr.''
Door - Borr
That kinda rhymed...
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |