100 Drabbles of Havoc with the Hutchinsons - Sa13+  Welcome to the chaos and comedy that is the Hutchinson Household.
We're Rachie (RachieRu) and Bethany (hermygirl), and we present to you
one hundred tales about our Hogwarts RPG charries, Spike and Indiana Hutchinson.
Who knows what might happen?
Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K Rowling c.h.a.s.e ~* Nowhere to Run *~ “Where’s Pink Ted?” Indiana demanded, glaring at her brother. Spike shrugged. “Maybe he’s gone on holiday?”
“He’d have told me,” Indiana answered stubbornly, “Which means you’ve got him.” She made a deliberate step towards him. Spike held out his hands innocently.
“Gimme.” Her eyes narrowed, jaw clenching. She looked pretty scary, despite her size. Spike’s eyes twinkled mischievously as he pulled a teddy from behind him.
“Oh, did you mean this pink ted? But you have so many pink friends!”
“SPIKE! I’m gonna -”
He didn’t wait to find out what she was going do. He legged it, Indiana close behind. |