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Having been halfway through marking the homework when there was a knock on her door-- she was getting used to this sound, in fact she got rather excited whenever anybody came to visit her.
"Wonder who that could be," she mused to her fanged geraniums on the way to answer the door.
Seren had been expecting a student... not any student in particular, but THIS, well now this was a pleasant surprise. It took everything she had not to jump up and down on the spot... or to wrestle Ellie into a hug-- which was all very tempting.
"Ellie! .. so good to see you, come in," she said brightly, standing back to make room for the Ravenclaw seeker to enter.
The girl BEAMED.
Yeah, Bentley was most definitely a favorite Professor of hers. For one, Ellie appreciated the enthusiasm that seemed to come from the woman whenever they interacted. And that Bentley called her 'Ellie' rather than 'Miss Stone' or the dreadful 'Eliana' was a plus.
She moved past the Professor, into the office.
"Oh." It was...floral.
"It's very Herbology-like in here," she commented, still smiling. It was, wasn't it? Flowers were plants too? It was actually not terrible. The decor definitely seemed to fit Bentley's personality as far as Ellie could tell. Personally, she'd have had more purple than pink.
As Ellie took in the office, which smelled slightly familiar, by the way, her eyes drifted to the Geraniums and she was glad she hadn't noticed them while entering. Then they went to the cork board and the pictures it was holding up.
Yeah, the office was quite nice.